Middle-earth | |
Lokasi The Lord of the Rings | |
Dicipta oleh | J. R. R. Tolkien |
Genre | Fantasi |
Jenis | Benua tengah dunia fantasi |
Gambar luar | "A Map of Middle-earth" (gambar) oleh Pauline Baynes, 1970 (Peta ini hanya menggambarkan barat laut Middle-earth.) |
Middle-earth adalah fiksyen tetapan daripada banyak penulis British J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. Istilah ini setara dengan istilah Midgard dari mitologi Norse, yang menggambarkan dunia yang dihuni manusia, iaitu benua tengah Bumi di masa mitologi masa lalu yang dibayangkan oleh Tolkien.[T 1]
Karya-karya Tolkien yang paling banyak dibaca, The Hobbit dan The Lord of the Rings, berlaku sepenuhnya di Middle-earth, dan Middle-earth juga menjadi jalan singkat untuk merujuk kepada legendarium dan karya fiksyen Tolkien di dunia itu.
Dalam kisahnya, Tolkien menerjemahkan nama "Middle-earth" sebagai Endor dan Ennor dalam bahasa Elvish Quenya dan Sindarin .
Middle-earth adalah benua utara Bumi (Arda) dalam masa khayalan masa lalu Bumi [T 2] [T 3] [T 4] (Tolkien meletakkan akhir Third Age sekitar 6,000 tahun sebelum waktunya),[T 5][T 6][T 7] dalam arti "realiti sekunder atau subkreasi".[T 8]
Kisah-kisah Tolkien di Middle-earth kebanyakannya tertumpu di barat laut benua. Bahagian Middle-earth ini mengingatkan Eropah, dengan persekitaran Shire yang bertujuan mengingatkan England (lebih khusus lagi, West Midlands, dengan Hobbiton berada pada garis lintang yang sama dengan Oxford).[T 9]
Tolkien's legendarium
[sunting | sunting sumber]Kisah Tolkien menceritakan perjuangan untuk menguasai dunia (disebut Arda ) dan benua Middle-earth: di satu sisi, Valar malaikat, Elf dan sekutu mereka di antara Manusia; di sisi lain, iblis Melkor atau Morgoth (seorang Vala jatuh ke dalam kejahatan) dan anak buahnya, kebanyakannya Orc, Naga dan Manusia yang diperhambakan. Pada zaman kemudian, setelah kekalahan dan pengusiran Morgoth dari Arda, tempatnya diambil oleh Leftenan Sauron.
Valar menarik diri dari penglibatan langsung dalam urusan Middle-earth setelah kekalahan Morgoth, tetapi pada tahun-tahun kemudian mereka mengirim para penyihir atau Istari untuk membantu dalam perjuangan melawan Sauron. Penyihir yang paling penting adalah Gandalf the Grey dan Saruman the White. Gandalf tetap setia pada misinya dan terbukti penting dalam memerangi Sauron. Namun, Saruman menjadi rosak dan berusaha menjadikan dirinya sebagai saingan Sauron untuk mendapatkan kuasa mutlak di Middle-earth. Kaum lain yang terlibat dalam perjuangan menentang kejahatan adalah Dwarf, Ent dan Hobbit paling terkenal. Tahap awal konflik dicatat dalam The Silmarillion, sementara tahap akhir perjuangan untuk mengalahkan Sauron diceritakan di The Hobbit dan di The Lord of the Rings .
Konflik mengenai pemilikan dan kawalan objek berharga atau ajaib adalah tema berulang dalam cerita. First Age didominasi oleh usaha yang ditakdirkan oleh elf Fëanor dan sebahagian besar klan Noldorin untuk mendapatkan kembali tiga permata berharga yang disebut Silmaril yang dicuri oleh Morgoth dari mereka (oleh itu judul The Silmarillion). Second dan Third Age didominasi oleh penempaan Rings of Power, dan nasib One Ring yang ditempa oleh Sauron, yang memberi pemakainya kekuatan untuk mengawal atau mempengaruhi mereka yang memakai Rings of Power yang lain (oleh itu tajuknya The Lord of the Rings).
[sunting | sunting sumber]Etimologi
[sunting | sunting sumber]Dalam mitologi Jerman kuno, dunia Manusia dikenali dengan beberapa nama, seperti Midgard, Middenheim, Manaheim, dan Middengeard. Bahasa Inggeris Kuno middangeard berasal dari perkataan Jermanik sebelumnya dan begitu juga mempunyai kognitif seperti Bahasa Norse lama Miðgarðr dari mitologi Norse, diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggeris moden sebagai Midgard.[1]
Istilah "Middle-earth" atau "middle-world", dijumpai sepanjang Inggeris Moden[a] sebagai pengembangan dari perkataan zaman Inggeris Tengah middel-erde (rujuk bahasa Jerman moden Mittelerde), yang berkembang secara bergantian, melalui proses etimologi rakyat,[2] dari middanġeard (huruf g menjadi lembut, seperti huruf y untuk "yard")[3][b]). Pada zaman Inggeris Tengah, middangeard ditulis sebagai middellærd, midden -erde, atau middel-erde, yang menunjukkan bahawa unsur kedua telah ditafsirkan semula, berdasarkan kesamaannya dengan kata untuk "bumi". Pergeseran makna tidak hebat, bagaimanapun: middangeard bermaksud "kandang tengah" dan bukan "bumi tengah";[c] Namun demikian, middangeard biasanya diterjemahkan sebagai "middle-earth" dan Tolkien menggunakannya.
Digunakan oleh Tolkien
[sunting | sunting sumber]Tolkien pertama kali menemui istilah middangeard dalam serpihan Bahasa Inggeris Lama yang dipelajarinya pada tahun 1914:
Éala éarendel engla beorhtast / ofer middangeard monnum dihantar.
Hail Earendel, malaikat paling terang / di atas bumi tengah yang dihantar kepada manusia.
Petikan ini adalah dari yang kedua dari sisa-sisa puisi Crist oleh Cynewulf. Nama Éarendel adalah inspirasi bagi pelaut Tolkien Eärendil,[T 10] yang berlayar dari tanah-tanah Middle-earth untuk meminta pertolongan dari kekuatan malaikat, Valar. Puisi terawal Tolkien mengenai Eärendil, dari tahun 1914, pada tahun yang sama dia membaca puisi Crist, merujuk kepada "rim pertengahan dunia". [5]
Tolkien menganggap konsep middangeard sama dengan penggunaan tertentu kata Yunani οἰκουμένη - oikoumenē, "tempat tinggal manusia";[T 11] dengan ini ia bermaksud ia adalah dunia fizikal di mana Manusia menjalani kehidupan dan takdirnya, berbanding dengan dunia ghaib di atas dan di bawahnya, iaitu Syurga dan Neraka. Tolkien menulis:
Middle-earth is ... not my own invention. It is a modernization or alteration ... of an old word for the inhabited world of Men, the oikoumene: middle because thought of vaguely as set amidst the encircling Seas and (in the northern-imagination) between ice of the North and the fire of the South. O. English middan-geard, mediaeval E. midden-erd, middle-erd. Many reviewers seem to assume that Middle-earth is another planet.[T 12]
Walau bagaimanapun, istilah "Middle-earth" tidak terdapat dalam tulisan-tulisan terawal Tolkien mengenai subjek ini, yang berasal dari awal 1920-an dan diterbitkan dalam The Book of Lost Tales (1983–84). Istilah ini juga tidak digunakan dalam The Hobbit (1937).[5] Tolkien mula menggunakan istilah "Middle-earth" pada akhir 1930-an, sebagai pengganti istilah sebelumnya "Great Lands", "Outer Lands", dan "Hither Lands". Istilah "Middle-earth" muncul dalam draf The Lord of the Rings, dan penampilan pertama yang diterbitkan untuk perkataan "Middle-earth" dalam karya Tolkien ada di Prolog untuk karya itu: "Hobbit sebenarnya hidup dengan tenang di Middle-earth selama bertahun-tahun sebelum orang lain menyedari mereka."[T 13]
Penggunaan lanjutan
[sunting | sunting sumber]Istilah Middle-earth telah digunakan sebagai singkatan keseluruhan legenda Tolkien, bukan istilah Arda untuk dunia fizikal dan Eä untuk realiti fizikal penciptaan secara keseluruhan. Penggunaan yang lebih luas ini tercermin dalam judul buku seperti The Complete Guide to Middle-earth, The Road to Middle-earth, The Atlas of Middle-earth, dan siri The History of Middle-earth.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Dalam konteks keseluruhan legendarisnya, Middle-earth Tolkien adalah sebahagian dari dunia Arda yang diciptakannya (yang merangkumi Undying Lands of Aman dan Eressëa, yang dihapus dari dunia fizikal yang lain), yang sendiri merupakan bagian dari ciptaan yang lebih luas dipanggil Eä. Aman dan Middle-earth dipisahkan antara satu sama lain oleh Great Sea Belegaer (serupa dengan Lautan Atlantik). Benua barat, Aman, adalah kediaman Valar, dan Elf memanggil Eldar.[T 14] Bahagian timur Middle-earth berdekatan dengan Eastern Sea. Sebilangan besar peristiwa dalam kisah Tolkien berlaku di barat laut Middle-earth. Pada First Age, lebih jauh ke barat laut adalah benua Beleriand; ia diliputi oleh lautan pada akhir First Age.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Tolkien menyiapkan beberapa peta Middle-earth dan wilayah-wilayah Middle-earth di mana kisahnya berlaku. Sebilangannya diterbitkan sepanjang hayatnya. Peta utama adalah peta yang diterbitkan dalam The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, dan Unfinished Tales, dan muncul sebagai lipatan atau ilustrasi. Peta Tolkien mempunyai gaya bergambar yang berbeza, biasanya dengan dataran tinggi dan hutan yang digambarkan secara realistik, seolah-olah dilihat secara serong (walaupun tidak berskala). Bentuk sebenar gunung individu penting digambarkan. Peta di The Lord of the Rings dikembangkan oleh Tolkien selari dengan perkembangan naratifnya. Ini adalah salah satu usahanya untuk mendapatkan 'ketekalan dalaman' dalam cerita; khususnya agar watak mencapai jarak perjalanan yang realistik. Walaupun Tolkien mengakui bahawa dia tidak sepenuhnya berjaya dalam proses ini, dia tetap bersikap keras agar peta dimasukkan ke dalam buku untuk kepentingan pembaca, dan walaupun memerlukan tambahan biaya, kerja dan kelewatan.[T 15]
Peta pasti Middle-earth diterbitkan dalam The Lord of the Rings. Peta ikonik ini menggabungkan semua lokasi utama cerita utama, dan juga merangkumi tempat-tempat dari beberapa latar belakang sejarah. Peta ini juga diterbitkan (dengan pelbagai penambahan dan hiasan) sebagai poster yang berdiri sendiri: "A Map of Middle-earth". Peta tidak merangkumi seluruh Middle-earth, tetapi hanya menunjukkan barat laut benua. Ini dibuat lebih jelas dalam versi yang disemak pertama kali diterbitkan dalam Unfinished Tales, yang berjudul 'The West of Middle-earth pada akhir Third Age'. Peta lakaran Tolkien dari seluruh dunia juga mengisahkan bahawa Middle-earth jauh lebih luas daripada kawasan yang digambarkan pada peta Lord of the Rings . Oleh itu, bahagian peta yang ditetapkan sebagai 'Rhûn' sebenarnya hanyalah pinggir barat wilayah yang luas itu; sama kawasan yang bertuliskan 'Far Harad' hanyalah bahagian paling utara dari wilayah selatan Middle-earth yang luas.
Ered Luin (Pergunungan Biru) di kiri atas peta pada asasnya adalah julat yang sama yang terletak di sebelah kanan ekstrem peta Beleriand yang diterbitkan dalam The Silmarillion.
Peta Tolkien memfokuskan pada wilayah-wilayah Middle-earth di mana kisah-kisah utamanya disusun. Namun, dalam The Shaping of Middle-earth, jilid IV dari The History of Middle-earth, Christopher Tolkien menerbitkan beberapa peta luar biasa yang telah diciptakan oleh ayahnya pada akhir 1930-an. Ini menggambarkan seluruh dunia yang merupakan bahagian Middle-earth: baik Bumi rata dan dunia bulat berikutnya, dan mereka juga menunjukkan benua lain selain Middle-earth. Karen Wynn Fonstad menggunakan peta-peta ini untuk mengembangkan "peta seluruh dunia" yang terperinci, tetapi bukan kanonik, yang mencerminkan dunia yang sesuai dengan zaman sejarah yang digambarkan dalam The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, dan The Lord of the Rings. Peta pertama yang muncul dalam karya Tolkien yang diterbitkan – yang ada di The Hobbit – dilukis sepenuhnya oleh pengarangnya sendiri. Versi peta yang siap muncul dalam penerbitan kemudian diambil oleh anak lelaki Tolkien Christopher, berdasarkan peta asas terperinci yang telah dibangunkan oleh bapanya; dalam kes The Lord of the Rings Tolkien mengawasi proses tersebut.
Peta asas pembangunan kemudian diterbitkan dalam siri History of Middle-earth. Konsep awal Tolkien mengenai peta Beleriand diterbitkan sebagai "The First Silmarillion Map" (Peta Silmarillion Pertama) dalam jilid 4 (The Shaping of Middle-earth) dan "The Second Map of Middle-earth west of the Blue Mountains" (Peta Kedua Middle-earth di sebelah barat Pergunungan Biru, juga dikenal sebagai "The Second Peta Silmarillion" (Peta Silmarillion Kedua)) dalam jilid 11 (The War of the Jewels). Draf pertama pengarang peta Middle-earth dalam The Lord of the Rings diterbitkan sebagai "The First Map of The Lord of the Rings" (Peta Pertama The Lord of the Rings) dalam jilid 7 (The Treason of Isengard); versi seterusnya diterbitkan sebagai "The Second Map (West)" (Peta Kedua (Barat)) dan "The Second Map (East)" (Peta Kedua (Timur)) dalam jilid 8 (The War of the Ring).
[sunting | sunting sumber]![](
Dalam konsepsi Tolkien, Arda (Bumi) diciptakan khusus sebagai "the Habitation" (Tempat Tinggal; Imbar atau Ambar) untuk Anak-anak Ilúvatar (Elf dan Manusia). Ini dibayangkan dalam kosmologi Bumi yang rata, dengan bintang-bintang, dan kemudian juga matahari dan bulan, berputar di sekitarnya. Lakaran Tolkien menunjukkan wajah seperti cakera untuk dunia yang memandang ke arah bintang. Walau bagaimanapun, legenda Tolkien membahas paradigma Bumi sfera dengan menggambarkan peralihan bencana dari dunia rata ke sfera, di mana Aman disingkirkan "dari lingkaran dunia".
Middle-earth atau Endor pada asalnya sesuai dengan skema simetri yang sebahagian besarnya dirosakkan oleh Melkor. Berbagai konflik dengan Melkor (dan juga oleh tindakan Valar pada satu ketika) mengakibatkan bentuk tanah menjadi terherot. Pada asalnya, Arda bermula sebagai satu dunia datar dan Valar mencipta dua lampu besar untuk menerangi, Illuin dan Ormal. Vala Aulë menempa menara yang luas, Helcar di utara Middle-earth, dan Ringil di selatan. Illuin didatangi Helcar dan Ormal pada Ringil. Di tengah, di mana cahaya lampu bercampur, Valar tinggal di pulau Almaren di tengah-tengah Tasik Besar. Ketika Melkor menghancurkan Lampu-lampu Valar, dua lautan pedalaman yang luas terbentuk di lokasi mereka (Laut Helcar dan Sea of Ringil), tetapi Almaren dan tasiknya musnah. Dua lautan utama Arda, Belegaer dan Eastern Sea, juga diciptakan pada zaman purba ini.
Valar meninggalkan Middle-earth ke benua Aman yang baru terbentuk di barat, di mana mereka mencipta Valinor. Untuk mencegah Melkor menyerang Aman, mereka mendorong benua Middle-earth ke timur, sehingga melebarkan lautan dan menaikkan lima pegunungan utama di Middle-earth yang mengadopsi taburan yang agak simetris, iaitu Blue, Red, Grey, Yellow Mountains dan Mountains of the Wind. Namun, tindakan ini merosakkan simetri bentuk benua dan laut berhalangan mereka.
Beberapa abad kemudian, Melkor menaikkan Misty Mountains untuk menghalang kemajuan Vala Oromë ketika dia memburu binatang Melkor semasa kegelapan di Middle-earth sebelum kebangkitan Elf .
Perubahan tambahan berlaku ketika Valar menyerang Utumno, beberapa tahun selepas Awakening of the Elves (Kebangkitan Elf). Barat laut Middle-earth, terutama wilayah di sebelah barat Blue Mountains (bernama Beleriand) di mana Melkor bertemu dengan tuan rumah Valar yang "sudah rapuh". Belegaer, laut antara Middle-earth dan Aman melebar lebih jauh, mewujudkan antara teluk lain yang merupakan Bay of Balar (Teluk Balar) yang merupakan sebuah kuala Sirion. Dataran tinggi Dorthonion dan pergunungan mengenai Hithlum juga merupakan hasil pertempuran.
Di wilayah tengah Middle-earth, Teluk Besar (Belegaer) dibentuk (pendahulu Teluk Belfalas kemudian). Jauh ke selatan, Inland Sea of Ringil (Laut Pedalaman Ringil) berkembang luas dan memisahkan bahagian paling selatan benua dari daratan, sehingga membentuk Dark Land (Tanah Gelap; Hyarmenor) dan Inner Sea (Laut Dalam), menghubungkan dengan selat Belegaer dan Eastern Sea yang sebelumnya terpisah.
First Age
[sunting | sunting sumber]Seperti yang diceritakan dalam The Silmarillion, sebagian besar peristiwa First Age terjadi di wilayah bumi Tengah yang besar di Beleriand dan sekitarnya. Tolkien diletakkan di dalam batas Beleri dan kerajaan Elven yang tersembunyi di Doriath, yang diperintah oleh Raja Thingol, dan Gondolin, yang didirikan oleh Turgon. Juga penting ialah kubu Nargothrond, yang didirikan oleh elf Finrod Felagund . Di Pergunungan Biru di sebelah timur terdapat dewan kerdil Belegost dan Nogrod. Beleriand dipecah menjadi bahagian timur dan barat oleh sungai besar Sirion. Di Beleriand Timur adalah sungai Gelion dengan tujuh anak sungai, yang menentukan wilayah Ossiriand Green-elf. Di sebelah utara Beleriand terletak wilayah Nevrast, Hithlum dan Dor-lómin, dan Iron Mountains di mana Morgoth (Melkor) memiliki kubu Angband. Perjuangan ganas semasa War of Wrath antara Host of Valar dan tentera Melkor pada akhir First Age membawa kehancuran Angband, dan mengubah bentuk Middle-earth sehingga sebahagian besar Beleriand lenyap di bawah laut.
Pada First Age perubahan geografi juga berlaku di Aman, benua di sebelah barat Tengah-bumi. Pergunungan Pelóri dinaikkan, bersama dengan Kepulauan Enchanted, untuk menjadikan Valinor pada dasarnya tidak dapat dilalui kecuali oleh Calacirya yang diperkuatkan.
Second, Third dan Fourth Ages
[sunting | sunting sumber]Setelah tenggelamnya Beleriand pada akhir First Age, geografi semula jadi benua Middle-earth mencapai bentuk yang harus dipelihara di seluruh legenda Tolkien, termasuk masa di mana Akallabêth, The Hobbit, dan The Lord of the Rings ditetapkan. The Changing of the World (Perubahan Dunia), yang terjadi menjelang akhir Second Age dan menghancurkan pulau Númenor, tidak banyak mempengaruhi geografi Middle-earth itu sendiri, kecuali sekarang ia duduk di Bumi yang bulat yang sebelum ini di Bumi yang rata.
Secara umum, benua Middle-earth terbahagi kepada wilayah-wilayah besar berikut:-
- Barat (atau lebih tepatnya, Utara-Barat atau Barat Laut), di mana sebahagian besar kisah Tolkien di Middle-earth terjadi. Kawasan ini menjadi tumpuan peta Middle-earth. Ia boleh dibahagikan kepada:
- Utara: Eriador dan Wilderland
- Selatan: Gondor, Rohan dan Mordor
- Harad: Selatan
- Rhûn: Timur
- Forodwaith: Utara paling jauh
Barat Middle-earth meliputi wilayah Eriador dan Gondor, Misty Mountains, dan lembah sungai besar Anduin. Eriador bersempadan dengan Ered Luin atau Blue Mountains di sebelah barat, yang bersempadan dengan laut dan Grey Havens, juga disebut Mithlond. Di sebelah timur Eriador berdiri Misty Mountains, yang berlari dari utara jauh ke Isengard, rumah penyihir Saruman, di selatan. Pergunungan Misty mengandungi Dwarf-halls di Khazad-dûm atau Moria yang hebat.
Di Eriador awalnya terletak kerajaan Arnor, yang didirikan oleh Orang-orang yang telah melarikan diri dari kehancuran Númenor (wilayah pulau yang terletak di sebelah barat Middle-earth). Ia kemudian berpecah menjadi kerajaan Arthedain, Cardolan, dan Rhudaur. Kerajaan-kerajaan ini juga telah lama berlalu dalam sejarah pada masa The Lord of the Rings . Eriador juga mengandungi Shire, tanah air dari Hobbit, dan penempatan Bree yang berdekatan. Rivendell atau Imladris, tempat tinggalnya Half-elf Elrond juga terletak pada Eriador, berhampiran dengan sebelah barat Misty Mountains.
Di sebelah timur Misty Mountains terletak wilayah besar yang disebut Wilderland (Rhovanion) dan sungai besar Anduin. Di sebelah baratnya, antara Anduin dan Misty Mountains, terletak kerajaan Elf Lothlórien, tempat tinggalnya elf Galadriel, dan hutan Fangorn, tempat tinggalnya Ent. Di sebelah timur Anduin terdapat hutan besar Mirkwood, (dahulunya Greenwood), dan di sebelah timur lagi adalah Lonely Mountain atau Erebor (dirampas dari para dwarf oleh naga Smaug), bandar Dale, Dorwinion, dan Iron Hills. Selatan dan timur Pergunungan Misty adalah kerajaan Rohan, dihuni oleh sekutu Gondor, dan lebih jauh ke selatan kerajaan Gondor, diasaskan seperti Arnor oleh para lelaki yang melarikan diri dari kehancuran pulau Númenor. Timur Gondor, dan dikelilingi oleh gunung tinggi adalah Mordor, tempat tinggalnya Sauron di dlam kubunya Barad-dûr.
Di selatan Gondor terletak tanah jauh Harad dan Khand, dan pelabuhan Umbar.Di paling timur Middle-earth sekitar di luar Rhovanion, adalah wilayah Sea of Rhûn, di sebelah timur yang menjadi tempat tinggal orang Easterling. Penduduk dari semua tanah yang jauh ini secara tradisional memusuhi Gondor, dan bersekutu dengan Sauron pada waktu The Lord of the Rings.
Hubungan dengan geografi Bumi
[sunting | sunting sumber]Tolkien menggambarkan kawasan di mana Hobbits tinggal sebagai "the North-West of the Old World, east of the Sea" (Utara-Barat Dunia Lama, timur di Laut),[T 16] dan utara-barat Old World secara asasnya Eropah (termasuk Britain). Namun, seperti yang dicatatnya dalam surat persendirian, geografi tidak sesuai, dan dia tidak secara sedar membuatnya mirip ketika dia menulis (kecuali peta beranotasi yang baru ditemui, lihat di bawah):
Mengenai bentuk dunia Third Age, Saya takut ia dirancang 'secara dramatik' dan bukannya secara geologi, atau paleontologi.[T 17]
Saya berfikiran sejarah. Middle-earth bukanlah dunia khayalan. Nama itu adalah bentuk moden (muncul pada abad ke-13) midden-erd>middel-erd, nama kuno untuk oikoumene, tempat Lelaki yang kekal, dunia nyata yang objektif, digunakan secara khusus bertentangan dengan dunia khayalan (sebagai Fairyland) atau dunia ghaib (sebagai Syurga atau Neraka). Teater kisah saya adalah bumi ini, satu tempat di mana kita sekarang tinggal, tetapi masa bersejarahnya adalah khayalan. Perkara-perkara penting dari tempat tinggal itu ada di sana (walau bagaimana pun bagi penduduk Eropah Barat Laut), jadi secara semula jadi rasanya biasa, walaupun sedikit diagungkan oleh pesona jarak dalam waktu.[T 18]
"...jika itu adalah 'sejarah', sukar untuk memasukkan tanah dan peristiwa (atau 'budaya') ke dalam bukti yang kita miliki, arkeologi atau geologi, mengenai bahagian yang lebih dekat atau jauh dari apa yang sekarang disebut Eropah; walaupun Shire contohnya, dinyatakan dengan jelas telah berada di wilayah ini...Saya berharap jurang yang jelas lama tetapi tidak dapat ditentukan* antara Kejatuhan Barad-dûr dan Hari Kita mencukupi untuk 'kredibiliti sastera', bahkan untuk pembaca yang mengetahui apa yang dikenali sebagai 'pra-sejarah'. Saya rasa, saya telah membina masa khayalan, tetapi meletakkan kaki saya di bumi saya sendiri. Saya lebih suka dengan cara kontemporari untuk mencari bola jauh di 'ruang'. Walau ingin tahu, mereka asing, dan tidak suka dengan cinta saudara...[T 12]
Dalam surat lain, Tolkien membuat surat-menyurat berkenaan latitud (bukan logitud) antara Eropah dan Middle-earth:
Aksi cerita ini berlaku di barat laut 'Middle-earth', setara dengan garis lintang ke kawasan pesisir Eropah dan pantai utara Mediterranean. ... Jika Hobbiton dan Rivendell diambil (seperti yang dimaksudkan) berada di sekitar garis lintang dari Oxford, jadi Minas Tirith yang berada 600 batu ke selatan berada kira-kira garis lintang dari Florence. Mouths of Anduin dan bandar purba Pelargir berada di sekitar garis lintang Troy kuno.[T 19]
Dia mengesahkan bahawa Shire, tanah miliknya perwira Hobbit adalah berdasarkan di England:
'The Shire' berpusat di luar bandar Inggeris dan bukan negara lain di dunia...[T 20]
Dalam Prolog untuk The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien menulis: "Pada masa itu, Yhird Age dari Middle-earth, sekarang sudah lama berlalu, dan bentuk semua tanah telah berubah..." '\{Lampiran membuat beberapa rujukan dalam sejarah dan etimologi topik 'sekarang' (dalam bahasa Inggeris moden) dan 'kemudian' (bahasa kuno);- Lampiran membuat beberapa rujukan dalam sejarah dan etimologi topik 'sekarang' (dalam bahasa Inggeris moden) dan 'dahulu' (bahasa kuno);
Tidak diragukan lagi tahun itu sama, ¹ [nota kaki di sini berbunyi: 365 hari, 5 jam, 48 minit, 46 saat.] Sejak lama kerana masa-masa itu sekarang diperhitungkan dalam tahun-tahun dan kehidupan manusia, mereka tidak begitu jauh sesuai dengan ingatan Bumi.[T 21]
Menyatakan untuk kedua-dua di Lampiran dan The Silmarillion (dengan maklumat sokongan dalam siri History of Middle-earth) terdapat buruj dan bintang yang sesuai dengan astronomi yang dilihat di hemisfera utara Bumi, termasuk rujukan mengenai Matahari, Bulan, Orion (dan tali pinggangnya),[T 22] Ursa Major[T 23][T 24] dan planet lain (digambarkan sebagai "bintang"; oleh itu Carnil adalah "Marikh").
Peta yang dijelaskan oleh Tolkien, yang ditemukan pada bulan Oktober 2015 dalam koleksi Pauline Baynes, menempatkan Hobbiton pada garis lintang yang sama dengan Oxford, tetapi juga sesuai dengan Minas Tirith dengan Ravenna, Itali. Penulis juga menggunakan Belgrade, Cyprus, dan Baitulmuqaddis sebagai titik rujukan lain.[6] (Peta ini adalah sumber lokasi di peta poster Baynes yang tidak termasuk pada peta yang dicetak dalam buku, seperti Framsburg dan Dorwinion.)
[sunting | sunting sumber]Dalam The Silmarillion, sejarah Arda terbahagi kepada tiga jangka masa yang besar, Ainulindalë iaitu Years of the Lamps (Tahun-tahun Lampu), Years of the Trees (Tahun-tahun Pohon; tahun-tahun Valian) dan Years of the Sun (Tahun-tahun Matahari). Di Middle-earth, sejarah yang direkodkan tidak bermula sehingga First Age dan Awakening of the Elves semasa Years of the Trees – masa sebelum itu hanya dikenali sebagai Beginning of Days (Permulaan Hari). Semasa First Age kebangkitan Manusia bertepatan dengan terbitnya Matahari yang pertama dan bermulanya Years of the Sun, yang telah berlangsung dari First Age, sehingga Second, Third dan Fourth Age sehingga masa kini.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Di dunia Tolkien, Tuhan dipanggil Eru Ilúvatar. Tolkien mencipta sebuah kosmogoni di mana genesis dunia adalah muzikal: pada awalnya, Ilúvatar mencipta roh yang bernama Ainur dan mengajar mereka membuat muzik. Setelah Ainur mahir dalam kemahiran mereka, Ilúvatar memerintahkan mereka untuk membuat muzik hebat berdasarkan tema rekaannya sendiri. Ainu yang paling kuat iaitu Melkor (kemudian dipanggil Morgoth atau "Dark Enemy" (Musuh Gelap) oleh Elf) mengganggu temanya. Sebagai tindak balas, Ilúatar memperkenalkan tema baru yang meningkatkan muzik di luar pemahaman Ainur. Asas penciptaan Tolkien adalah bahawa gerakan lagu mereka, dan konflik dalam tema antara Melkor dan Ilúvatar, meletakkan benih banyak sejarah alam semesta yang masih belum dibuat dan orang-orang yang akan tinggal di dalamnya.[T 25]
Kemudian Ilúvatar menghentikan muzik dan mengungkapkan makna kepada Ainur melalui penglihatan. Menggerakkan banyak hati dan perasaan Ainur dan merasakan dorongan yang kuat untuk mengalami peristiwa secara langsung. Oleh itu, Ilúvatar mencipta Eä iaitu alam semesta itu sendiri, dan beberapa Ainurmasuk ke alam semesta untuk berkongsi pengalaman mereka. Tetapi setelah tiba di Eä, Ainur mendapati bahawa ia tidak berbentuk kerana mereka telah memasuki permulaan waktu. Ainur melakukan kerja besar dalam "zaman bintang" yang tidak bernama itu, di mana mereka membentuk alam semesta dan mengisinya dengan banyak perkara yang jauh di luar jangkauan Manusia.[T 25]
Beginning of Days
[sunting | sunting sumber]Akan tetapi, pada waktunya Ainur membentuk Arda, tempat tinggal Children of Ilúvatar akan datang: Ef dan Manusia. Melkor dan pengikutnya juga memasuki Eä, dan mereka mulai merosakkan dan menghancurkan apa sahaja yang dilakukan oleh yang lain. Lima belas Ainur yang paling kuat disebut sebagai Valar; Melkor adalah yang paling berkuasa, tetapi Manwë adalah pemimpin. Setiap Valar tertarik pada aspek dunia tertentu yang menjadi tumpuan kekuatan mereka. Melkor tertarik dengan keganasan dan kehancuran – sejuk menggigit, panas terik, gempa bumi, kesayuan, kerosakan, kegelapan, cahaya terbakar dll. Kekuasaannya begitu besar sehingga pada mulanya Valar tidak dapat menahannya, sehinggalah Vala Tulkas memasuki Eä dan mengimbangi baki. Didorong oleh Tulkas, Melkor merenung dalam kegelapan di kawasan luar Arda. The Valar menetap di Arda untuk mengawasinya dan membantu mempersiapkannya untuk kebangkitan Children.
Years of the Lamps bermula sebaik sahaja Valar menyelesaikan kerja mereka dalam membentuk Arda. Arda bermula sebagai satu dunia yang rata dan Valar mencipta dua Lampu yang hebat untuk menerangnya, Illuin dan Ormal. Setiap Lampu dipasang di tiang besar di Middle-earth. Di tengah-tengah, di mana cahaya Lampu bercampur, Valar tinggal di pulau Almaren. Tempoh ini yang dikenal sebagai "Spring of Arda" (Musim Bunga Arda), adalah masa ketika Valar telah memerintahkan Dunia ketika mereka menginginkan dan bertumpu pada Almaren, dan Melkor mengintai di luar Walls of Night. Selama ini haiwan mula-mula muncul, dan hutan mula tumbuh. Musim bunga terganggu ketika Melkor kembali ke Arda, dan berakhir sepenuhnya ketika dia menghancurkan Lampu Valar. Kemusnahan dua Lampu oleh Melkor menandakan berakhirnya Tahun-tahun Lampu.
Years of the Trees bermula setelah Melkor menghancurkan dua Lampu, ketika Valar meninggalkan Middle-earth dan mundur ke wilayah barat yang ekstrem di Arda. Di sana Vala Yavanna mencipta Two Trees (Dua Pohon) dinamakan Telperion dan Laurelin untuk memberi cahaya kepada tanah air baru mereka di Valinor di tanah Aman. Pohon menerangi Aman, meninggalkan Arda yang lain (termasuk Middle-earth) dalam kegelapan, hanya diterangi oleh bintang-bintang.
First Age
[sunting | sunting sumber]Zaman Pertama dalam sejarah Tolkien di Middle-earth bermula ketika Elf bangun di tepi Tasik Cuiviénen di timur Endor (Middle-earth). Elf segera didekati oleh Valar, yang meminta mereka meninggalkan Middle-earth dan datang ke Aman untuk tinggal di sebelah mereka. Sebilangan besar Elf dipujuk untuk melakukan Great Journey ke arah barat menuju Aman, tetapi tidak semuanya menyelesaikan perjalanan (lihat Sundering of the Elves (Perpisahan Elf)). The Valar telah memenjarakan Melkor, tetapi dia tampak bertobat dan dibebaskan dengan bebas. Dia menaburkan perselisihan antara Elf dan menimbulkan persaingan antara putera Elf Fëanor dan Fingolfin. Dia kemudian membunuh ayah mereka, Raja Finwë, memusnahkan Two Trees itu sendiri dengan bantuan labah-labah Ungoliant, dan mencuri Silmarils, tiga permata yang sangat berharga yang dibuat oleh Fëanor yang berisi cahaya Two Trees, dari peti pembuatnya.
Fëanor meyakinkan sebahagian besar orang-orangnya iaitu Noldor, untuk meninggalkan Aman untuk mengejar Melkor ke Beleriand di Middle-earth, mengutuknya dengan nama Morgoth, 'Black Enemy' (Musuh Gelap). Dia dan anak-anaknya bersumpah untuk mendapatkan kembali Silmaril dengan apa jua kos. Fëanor mengetuai kumpulan pertama dari dua kumpulan Noldor. Kumpulan kedua dan lebih besar diketuai oleh Fingolfin. Noldor berhenti di bandar pelabuhan Teleri iaitu Alqualondë, tetapi Teleri enggan memberi mereka kapal untuk sampai ke Middle-earth. Kinslaying pertama berlaku ketika Fëanor dan banyak pengikutnya menyerang Teleri dan mencuri kapal mereka. Tuan rumah Fëanor berlayar di kapal yang dicuri, meninggalkan Fingolfin di belakang. Kumpulan kedua tidak mempunyai banyak pilihan tetapi untuk menyeberang ke Middle-earth melalui Helcaraxë maut (atau 'Grinding Ice' (Ais Tajam)) di utara jauh. Setelah itu, Fëanor dibunuh, tetapi kebanyakan puteranya selamat dan mendirikan alam, seperti yang dilakukan Fingolfin dan pewarisnya. Sementara itu, Valar mengambil dua buah terakhir dari Dua Pohon dan menggunakannya untuk membuat Bulan dan Matahari, yang tetap menjadi bahagian dari Arda, tetapi terpisah dari Ambar (alam duniawi).
Years of the Sun bermula ketika Valar membuat Matahari, dan matahari terbit di atas Ambar, dan selepas itu waktu di Zaman Pertama dihitung dari tarikh terbitnya. Selepas beberapa pertempuran hebat, Long Peace (Keamanan Panjang) berlaku selama empat ratus tahun, di mana Manusia pertama iaitu Edain, memasuki Beleriand dengan menyeberangi jalan Blue Mountains. Semasa Morgoth memecahkan pengepungan Angband, satu demi satu kerajaan Elf hancur, termasuk kota tersembunyi Gondolin. Satu-satunya kejayaan yang dapat diukur yang dicapai oleh Elves and Men datang ketika Beren dari Edain dan Lúthien, anak perempuan Thingol dan Melian, mengambil Silmaril dari mahkota Morgoth. Selepas itu, Beren dan Lúthien mati, dan dihidupkan kembali oleh Valar dengan pemahaman bahawa Lúthien akan menjadi manusia biasa dan Beren tidak boleh dilihat oleh Manusia lagi.
Thingol bertengkar dengan Dwarf dari Nogrod dan mereka membunuhnya dan mencuri Silmaril. Beren memberi jalan kepada para dwarf dan mendapatkan kembali Silmaril, yang dia berikan kepada Lúthien. Tidak lama kemudian, Beren dan Lúthien mati lagi. Silmaril diberikan kepada putra mereka Dior yang merupakan separuh elf, yang telah mengembalikan Kerajaan Doriath. Anak lelaki Fëanor menuntut agar Dior menyerahkan Silmaril kepada mereka, dan dia menolak. Fëanorian menghancurkan Doriath dan membunuh Dior di Kinslaying kedua, tetapi anak perempuan Dior, Elwing, melarikan diri dengan permata itu. Tiga anak lelaki Fëanor —Celegorm, Curufin, dan Caranthir—mati ketika mencuba mengambil semula permata itu.
Menjelang akhir zaman, semua peninggalan dari Elf dan Manusia bebas di Beleriand pernah ada penempatan di mulut Sungai Sirion. Antaranya ialah Eärendil, yang berkahwin dengan Elwing. Tetapi Fëanorian kembali menuntut agar Silmaril dikembalikan kepada mereka, dan setelah permintaan mereka ditolak, mereka memutuskan untuk mengambil permata itu secara paksa, menuju ke Kinslaying ketiga. Eärendil dan Elwing mengambil Silmaril di seberang Great Sea, untuk meminta maaf kepada Valar. Si Valar membalas. Melkor ditangkap, sebahagian besar karyanya hancur, dan dia diasingkan di luar batas dunia ke Door of Night (Pintu Malam).
Silmarils berjaya dipulihkan dengan kos yang teruk, kerana Beleriand sendiri patah dan mulai tenggelam di bawah laut. Anak lelaki terakhir Fëanor, Maedhros dan Maglor, diperintahkan untuk kembali ke Valinor. Mereka terus mencuri Silmaril dari Valar yang menang. Tetapi, seperti halnya Melkor, orang-orang Silmaril membakar tangan mereka dan mereka kemudian menyedari bahawa mereka tidak dimaksudkan untuk memilikinya, dan bahawa sumpah mereka tidak sah. Masing-masing saudara menemui nasibnya: Maedhros melemparkan dirinya dengan Silmaril ke dalam jurang api, dan Maglor melemparkan Silmarilnya ke laut. Oleh itu, satu Silmaril berakhir di langit, dipakai oleh Eärendil, yang kedua di bumi, dan yang ketiga di laut.
Second Age
[sunting | sunting sumber]Pada awal Zaman Kedua, Edain dan banyak Elf yang lain meninggalkan Middle-earth. Edain menetap di Númenor iaitu sebuah pulau besar di Great Sea dan jauh di sebelah barat Middle-earth, sementara Elf disambut ke Undying Lands yang berada di paling barat. Númenórean menjadi pelaut yang hebat, dan, pada zaman kegemilangan mereka, kembali ke Middle-earth untuk mengajar orang-orang yang lebih rendah kemahiran yang hebat. Namun, ketika kekuatan Númenóreans meningkat, mereka memerintah Manusia Middle-earth, bukannya menolong mereka.
Selepas beberapa abad, Sauron yang merupakan pengikut dan ketua kapten Morgoth yang terkuat,mula menyusun makhluk jahat di negeri timur. Dia juga memujuk tukang besi Elf masuk ke Eregion untuk mencipta Rings of Power (Cincin Kuasa), dan secara rahsia mencipta One Ring (Cincin Satu) untuk mengawal Cincin yang lain. Tetapi Elf menyedari rancangan Sauron segera setelah dia memakai Cincin Satu di tangannya, dan mereka menanggalkan Cincin mereka sendiri sebelum dia dapat menguasai kehendak mereka.
Semasa kejadian ini, Shadow (Bayangan) mula wujud di Númenor, semasa raja tidak lagi menyerahkan jiwa mereka ketika mereka hidup semaksimal mungkin, tetapi berpegang teguh dengan rakus kepada kehidupan. Númenor, sentiasa berterima kasih kepada Eru Ilúvatar dan Valar pada masa lalu, sekarang mengabaikan untuk memberi penghormatan, semakin gelisah mengenai Doom of Man (Kejatuhan Manusia), sumpahan kematian. Orang-orang Númenor menjadi berpecah antara King's Men (Raja Manusia), mereka yang akan melihat kekuatan dan kekuasaan Númenor meningkat dan rasa terima kasih mereka terhadap Elf dan Valar semakin berkurang, dan si Setia yang masih menjaga hubungan mereka dengan Elf, dan tetap mengikuti kata-kata Eru.
Dengan kekuatan barunya dan penguasaannya yang semakin meningkat di Middle-earth, Sauron mendakwa bahawa dia adalah Raja Lelaki. Ar-Pharazôn, raja terakhir Númenor, yang berpendapat bahawa tidak ada satu pun kecuali dia yang seharusnya memiliki gelaran ini, berlayar ke Middle-earth dengan tentera untuk mencabar tuntutan Sauron. Sauron, melihat kekuatan Númenor pada waktu tengah hari, tahu bahawa dia tidak dapat menentang mereka. Oleh itu, dia membiarkan dirinya ditawan dan dibawa kembali ke Númenor sebagai tebusan. Tidak lama kemudian, kata-kata tipu daya Sauron dan kata-kata yang adil membuatnya disukai Raja. Dia berbohong kepada Raja, dan memberitahunya bahawa Melkor, Lord of Darkness, adalah Tuhan yang benar dan bahawa Eru hanyalah penemuan orang-orang Valar. Oleh itu bermulalah penganiayaan orang-orang yang beriman, yang dikorbankan atas nama Melkor. Akhirnya, ketika Ar-Pharazôn bertambah tua, Sauron, dengan menggunakan kekuatan Satu Cincin, meyakinkan Raja bahawa tidak seorang pun, bahkan orang-orang Valar (tuan-tuan Undying Lands (Tanah Abadi) di barat), dapat menantang kekuatan Númenor, dan bahawa Raja harus menyerang Tanah yang Tidak Meninggal Dunia, dan mencapai keabadian dengan menjejakkan kaki ke sana. Ar-Pharazôn, kerana takut mati, mengumpulkan armada besar dan berlayar menuju Undying Lands. Elendil dan anak-anak lelakinya Isildur dan Anárion menjaga si Setia dari perang yang akan datang dan membuat persiapan untuk melarikan diri dengan sembilan kapal.
Sebelum akhir Second Age, ketika Manusia Númenor memberontak melawan Valar kerana tipu daya Sauron, Ilúvatar menghancurkan Númenor, memisahkan Undying Lands dari seluruh Arda, dan membentuk tanah-tanah baru, menjadikan dunia menjadi bulat. Ketika pasukan Raja mendarat di Undying Lands, Valar meminta Ilúvatar untuk campur tangan. Dunia telah diubah, sehingga Undying Lands dihapus dari Imbar. Sejak saat itu dan seterusnya, Manusia tidak lagi dapat menjumpai Tanah yang Meninggal Dunia, tetapiElf yang mencari jalan masuk dalam kapal-kapal suci khas menerima rahmat menggunakan Straight Road (Jalan Lurus), yang menuju dari laut Middle-earth ke laut Undying Lands. Armada Ar-Pharazôn yang kuat dan tanah Númenor, hancur sama sekali bersama dengan badan Sauron; tetapi semangatnya bertahan dan melarikan diri kembali ke Middle-earth. Elendil dan pengikutnya juga melarikan diri ke Middle-earth, dan mendirikan wilayah Gondor dan Arnor.
Sauron soon rose again, but the Elves allied with the Men to form the Last Alliance and defeated him. In a siege that lasted years, Gil-galad, High King of the Elves; Elendil, the ruler of Gondor and Arnor; and Anárion, son of Elendil; were slain, as was Sauron's body. Elendil's other son Isildur finally cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand with his father's sword, diminishing Sauron's power and making his spirit flee once again, and thus achieving victory and peace for a time. But Isildur refused to destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, against all advice, and took it as a weregild for his father and brother. However, the Ring soon betrayed him when it abandoned him during an ambush of Orcs at the Gladden Fields; Isildur was slain and the Ring was lost in the Anduin for over two thousand years.
Third Age
[sunting | sunting sumber]Third Age (Zaman Ketiga) di Middle-earth menyaksikan kebangkitan dan kejatuhan kuasa alam Arnor dan Gondor.
Novel Tolkien yang paling banyak dibaca iaitu The Hobbit dan The Lord of the Rings, ditetapkan menjelang akhir Zaman Ketiga. Pada masa The Lord of the Rings, Sauron telah pulih banyak kekuatannya sebelumnya, dan mencari One Ring (Cincin Satu). Dia mengetahui bahawa itu adalah milik seorang Hobbit dan menghantar sembilan Ringwraith untuk mendapatkan cincin. Frodo Baggins sebagai Ring-bearer (Pemegang cincin) mengembara ke Rivendell, di mana diputuskan bahawa Cincin harus dihancurkan dengan satu-satunya cara: membuangnya ke dalam api Mount Doom.Frodo memulakan tugasnya dengan lapan orang sahabat—Fellowship of the Ring. Pada saat terakhir, dia gagal, tetapi dengan campur tangan makhluk Gollum—yang telah diselamatkan oleh belas kasihan Frodo dan Bilbo Baggins—Cincin itu tetap musnah. Frodo dengan rakannya Sam Gamgee disambut sebagai pahlawan. Sauron hancur dan semangatnya selamanya hilang.
Akhir Zaman Ketiga menandakan berakhirnya kekuasaan Elf dan permulaan penguasaan Manusia.
Fourth Age
[sunting | sunting sumber]Semasa Fourth Age (Zaman Keempat) bermula, banyak Elf yang telah lama menduduki di Middle-earth berpindah ke Valinor, tidak pernah kembali; mereka yang tinggal di belakang akan "ghaib" dan berkurang. Dwarf telah kembalikan dalam jumlah yang banyak ke Moria dan menempatkannya semula, walaupun akhirnya mereka juga berkurang. Di bawah Raja Elessar dari Gondor (Aragorn dari Dúnedain), kedamaian dipulihkan antara Gondor dan tanah hingga selatan dan timur.
Pada zaman ini Raja Elessar melarang manusia masuk Shire, membolehkan Hobbit untuk menjalani kehidupan yang aman dan damai. Elessar dan Ratu Arwen mati pada waktu yang hampir sama, dan kerajaan itu diserahkan kepada anak lelaki mereka.
Tolkien memulakan cerita yang dikenali sebagai The New Shadow menetapkan beberapa generasi selepas Raja Elessar di mana kejahatan baru muncul, lelaki bermain di orc, dan yang protagonis mengikuti salah satu kultus untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang mereka, sebelum tiga puluh halaman draf berhenti secara tiba-tiba. Tolkien tidak pernah menyelesaikan ceritanya, kerana ia menganggapnya hanya sebagai "thriller".[T 26]
Bahasa dan bangsa
[sunting | sunting sumber]Ainur
[sunting | sunting sumber]The Ainur were angelic beings created by Ilúvatar. The cosmological myth called the Ainulindalë, or "Music of the Ainur", describes how the Ainur sang for Ilúvatar, who then created Eä to give material form to their music. Many of the Ainur entered Eä, and the greatest of these were called the Valar. Melkor, the chief agent of evil in Eä, and later called Morgoth, was initially one of the Valar.
With the Valar came lesser spirits of the Ainur, called the Maiar. Melian, the wife of the Elven King Thingol in the First Age, was a Maia. There were also evil Maiar, called Umaiar, including the Balrogs and the second Dark Lord, Sauron. Sauron devised the Black Speech (Burzum) for his slaves (such as Orcs) to speak. In the Third Age, a number of the Maiar were embodied and sent to Middle-earth to help the free peoples to overthrow Sauron. These are the Istari (or Wise Ones, called Wizards by Men), including Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, Alatar and Pallando.[T 27]
[sunting | sunting sumber]The Elves are known as "the Firstborn" of Ilúvatar: intelligent beings created by Ilúvatar alone. There are many different clans of Elves, but the main distinction is between the Calaquendi or Light Elves and the Moriquendi or Dark Elves. Tolkien's work The Silmarillion tells of how the race of Elves awoke in Cuiviénen in eastern Middle-earth. The Valar came to Middle-earth soon afterwards, and invited the Elves to come and live with them in their home in Aman, the continent to the west of Middle-earth. Those elves who accepted and began the Great Journey to Aman from their birthplace of Cuiviénen were called the Eldar or the Middle-earth Eldar. The elves who completed the journey were sometimes called the Light Elves because they saw the magical Light of the Two Trees, the source of light in Aman. Those elves who refused the offer were called the Avari, and the Eldar who tired of the long journey west and remained behind in Middle-earth were called the Dark Elves because they would never see the Light of the Two Trees. Generally Dark Elves were considered less powerful than Light Elves, but the term 'Dark' did not imply they were in any way evil. In later years some of the Light Elves (chiefly the Noldor clan) returned to Middle-earth, mainly on a quest to retrieve precious jewels called the Silmarils, stolen from them by Morgoth.
Originally Elves all spoke the same Common Eldarin ancestral tongue, but after the long separation of thousands of years it diverged into different languages. The two main Elven languages were Quenya, spoken by the Light Elves, and Sindarin, spoken by the Sindar, the Dark Elves who stayed behind in Beleriand as mentioned above. Tolkien compared the use of Quenya in Middle-earth as like Latin, with Sindarin as the common speech. The Teleri of Valinor spoke Telerin, which was very close to Quenya but generally considered a distinct language and not a dialect.
Physically the Elves resemble humans almost identically; indeed, they are arguably the same species, as they can marry and have children (though this is extremely rare and the Half-elven are very famous as a result). However the Elves have a more ethereal and less visceral nature, and their bodies "fade" into their spirits, to the point that any Elves alive today would be totally ghostlike and invisible to most Humans.
The Elves are very agile and quick footed. They are generally somewhat taller than Men. They are also extremely well coordinated, as is evident in The Fellowship of the Ring, when the elves walk across the tightrope in the woods of Lothlórien. Their eyesight is hawk like and they are also said to glow with light. Another example is when the Fellowship take the pass of Caradhras, where Legolas is able to walk across the deep snow without falling through. Though they can be killed, Elves are immortal, and when they reach maturity they appear to cease ageing (though they do continue to physically age, just at a rate so slow as to be almost imperceptible, such as in Círdan's case). They are also re-embodied in Valinor if they are slain or die in an accident, and in the first and second ages, had the ability to return to Middle Earth exactly as they were previously, though they very seldom opted to do so. Their ears are pointed to a slight extent.
In Tolkien's writings the elves have been divided in several subgroups described in English as high elves, light-elves, fair-elves, deep elves, sea-elves, green-elves, wood-elves (sylvan elves), dark elves, grey-elves, and the special category half-elves. In the languages of the Elves there are additional subgroups under the above categories.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Men were "the Secondborn" of the Children of Ilúvatar: they awoke in Middle-earth later (indeed much later) than the Elves. Men (and Hobbits) were the last humanoid race to appear in Middle-earth: Dwarves, Ents and Orcs also preceded them. The capitalized term "Man" (plural "Men") is used as a gender-neutral racial description, to distinguish humans from the other human-like races of Middle-earth.
In appearance they are much like Elves, but on average less beautiful. Unlike Elves, Men are mortal, ageing and dying quickly, usually living 40–80 years. However the Númenóreans could live several centuries, and their descendants the Dúnedain also tended to live longer than regular humans. Nevertheless, except in a few purer houses, this tendency was weakened both by time and by intermingling with lesser peoples.
The Men involved in Tolkien's stories are mainly the Edain and their descendants. Originally the Edain were three tribes of Men who allied themselves with the Elves of Beleriand in the First Age. As a reward for their loyalty and suffering in the Wars of Beleriand, the Edain were given a new home on Númenor, a large island in the ocean far to the west of Middle-earth. Eventually, near the end of the Second Age, Númenor was destroyed, and a remnant of the Númenóreans established realms in the northern lands of Middle-earth. Those who remained faithful to the Valar founded the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. These Men were then known as the Dúnedain. Other Númenórean survivors, still devoted to evil but living far to the south, became known as the Black Númenóreans.
The languages spoken by Men include Adûnaic – spoken by the Númenóreans, Westron – the 'Common Speech' – represented by English, and Rohirric – spoken by the Rohirrim – represented in The Lord of the Rings by Old English.
At the end of the Third Age and the beginning of the Fourth, the King of Gondor is Aragorn. Other notable Men in The Lord of the Rings are Théoden, Éowyn, and Éomer of Rohan, and the brothers Boromir and Faramir of Gondor.
Beorn appears in The Hobbit as a huge man with the ability to transform into a bear. Beorn often left home for days at a time to fight the enemies threatening the forest people. His origins lay in the distant past; Gandalf suspected that he and his people originally came from the mountains. Beorn is the ancestor of the Beornings, who live in the north at the end of the Third Age, allied with the Woodsmen of Mirkwood.
[sunting | sunting sumber]The Dwarves are a race of humanoids shorter than Men, and larger than Hobbits. They are mortal like Men, but live much longer, usually several hundred years. A peculiarity of Dwarves is that both males and females are bearded, and thus appear identical to outsiders. The language spoken by Dwarves is called Khuzdul, and was kept largely as a secret language for their own use. Like Men and Hobbits, Dwarves live exclusively in Middle-earth. They generally reside under mountains, where they are specialists in mining and metalwork.
The Dwarves are said to have been created by the Vala Aulë, who offered to destroy them when Ilúvatar confronted him. The seven Dwarf Fathers had no true life as created by Aulë, but were tied to his power. When Ilúvatar saw that Aulë had created the Dwarves in a desire to see Ilúvatar's vision fulfilled and not out of a desire for power or domination of Aulë's will, Ilúvatar brought true life to the seven Dwarf fathers. He forgave Aulë's transgression and adopted the Dwarves as his own. His only condition was that they were not allowed to awaken before the Elves. Therefore, the Dwarves' creator Aulë laid them to sleep in widely separated hidden mountain locations in northern Middle-earth, and there they remained in suspended animation until after the Elves had awoken. These dwarves were known as the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves, who (along with their mates) went on to found the seven kindreds of Dwarves when they awoke.
The first dwarf to awake was Durin the father of the Longbeards, the oldest and wisest kindred of the Dwarves, and the main focus of Tolkien's stories. Durin founded the greatest Dwarf kingdom called Khazad-dûm, later known as Moria, in the Misty Mountains. The Dwarves spread throughout northern Middle-earth and each kindred founded its own kingdom. Only two other of these kingdoms are mentioned by Tolkien, Nogrod and Belegost in the Blue Mountains. These were the home of the Firebeards and the Broadbeams, who were allies of the Elves of Beleriand against Morgoth in the First Age.
The Silmarillion introduces the Petty-dwarves who were diminutive even by Dwarvish standards. They had been exiled from several of the Dwarf houses. They were hunted by the elves, leading to their eventual extinction. They had other cultural differences including that they were more unsociable, and freely gave out their Khuzdul names to outsiders.
Of the races, Dwarves are the most resistant to corruption and influence of Morgoth and later Sauron. The seven rings of Power of the dwarves did not turn them to evil, but it did amplify their greed and lust for gold. The Dwarves' resistance to corruption is perhaps explained by their origin as the creations of Aulë and not being created by or original children in Ilúvatar's vision. It is said that very few wilfully served the side of darkness. Of those who did very little was written.[8] Of the seven houses few fought on either side during the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age, and is known that none from the House of Durin ever fought on the side of evil.[T 28]
During the early parts of the Third Age (or at least in legends of the previous), it is known that in some places wicked dwarves had made alliances with Orcs.[T 29] It is suggested by Tolkien in some of his notes that of the dwarves that turned to wickedness they most likely came from the Dwarves of the far eastern mansions (and perhaps some of the nearer ones) came under the Shadow of Morgoth and turned to evil. It is however unclear if these refer to Dwarves beyond Iron Hills (the most eastern known stronghold of the Dwarves).[T 30] Because Dwarves are not evil by nature, few ever served the Enemy of their own free will (though rumours of Men suggest the total was greater).[T 31]
[sunting | sunting sumber]Tolkien identified Hobbits as an offshoot of the race of Men. Another name for Hobbit is 'Halfling', as they were generally only half the size of Men (Men in those times usually grew to six feet (ca. 180 cm) in height, and a Hobbit would be only three or four feet (ca. 90–120 cm) tall). In their lifestyle and habits they closely resemble Men, except for their preference for living in holes underground.
Although their origins and ancient history are not known, Tolkien implied that they settled in the Anduin |Vales of Anduin early in the Third Age, but after a thousand years the Hobbits began migrating west over the Misty Mountains into Eriador. Eventually, many Hobbits settled in the Shire and in nearby Bree. Tolkien says that there were three kinds of Hobbit: the Stoors, Fallohides and Harfoots.
The hobbits who appear most prominently in Tolkien's stories are Bilbo Baggins and his nephew Frodo Baggins, who each have an important role in the quest to destroy the One Ring of Power forged by Sauron; another is Sméagol, who took the One Ring after it was found in the Anduin. Frodo is told by Gandalf that Sméagol was part of a Hobbit-like riverfolk, but long possession of the ring corrupted and deformed him into the creature Gollum.
By the time of The Lord of the Rings Hobbits had long spoken the Mannish tongue Westron, though their dialect of Westron indicates that they formerly spoke a language akin to that of the Men of Rohan.
Other humanoid peoples
[sunting | sunting sumber]The Ents were shepherds of trees. They were created by Ilúvatar at the request of Yavanna, to protect trees from the depredations of Elves, Dwarves, and Men. When the Elves first awoke, they "desired to converse with all things", and taught the Ents to speak. The Ents developed their own peculiar "Entish" language, which was impossible for other races to learn due to its long descriptive phrases for even the smallest things. Nevertheless, the Ents could learn other races' languages and were able to communicate with others that way. Huorns were intermediate in form between Ents and trees: Ents that were "falling asleep" or trees that were becoming wildly active; they bore a deep antagonism toward orcs. By the time of The Lord of the Rings the Ents were a dwindling race, as the Entwives had left the Ents and disappeared. In The Lord of the Rings, the Ents, led by Treebeard, the oldest Ent, were instrumental in defeating Saruman by destroying his fortress of Isengard, and the Huorns destroyed his army of orcs.
Orcs and Trolls were evil creatures bred by Morgoth. They were not original creations but rather "mockeries" of the Children of Ilúvatar and Ents, since only Ilúvatar has the ability to give conscious life to things. The precise origins of Orcs and Trolls are unclear, as Tolkien considered various possibilities and sometimes changed his mind, leaving several inconsistent accounts. The Hobbit speaks of Goblins and Hobgoblins, and a note at the beginning of most editions explains that "orc" and "goblin" are synonymous, while "hobgoblin" refers to orcs of larger size. Late in the Third Age, the Uruks or Uruk-hai appeared: a race of Orcs of great size and strength that tolerate sunlight better than ordinary Orcs.
Tolkien also mentions "Men-orcs" and "Orc-men"; or "half-orcs" or "goblin-men". They share some characteristics with Orcs (like "slanty eyes") but are described as looking more like men. Some appear at the battle of Helm's Deep and in The Scouring of the Shire, where it is recalled that similar-looking men were seen earlier causing trouble in Bree.
Trolls were made from stone. The Ent Treebeard describes them in The Lord of the Rings as "mockeries of Ents, they are stupid creatures, foul mouthed and brutal". Daylight turned such "stone trolls" back into stone. In "Roast Mutton" in The Hobbit, three trolls catch Bilbo and his Dwarf companions, and plan on eating them; but they are turned back to stone by the light of dawn before they get the chance. Tolkien also describes a race of trolls bred by Sauron called the 'Olog-hai' who were larger and stronger than ordinary trolls, and who could endure daylight. Other varieties mentioned include cave-trolls, hill-trolls, mountain-trolls (which dwarf all other troll kinds), and snow-trolls. In The Hobbit, Gandalf alludes to trolls that have more than one head: "I am afraid trolls do behave like that, even those with only one head each." Some soldiers from Far Harad are described as Half-trolls or troll-men.
Stone-giants appear in The Hobbit fighting one another in the valleys of the Misty Mountains. No further reference is made to them in any other of Tolkien's writings. In The Hobbit, Bilbo remembers stories of giants and ogres, and thinks of them when trying to solve one of Gollum's riddles.[T 32] Giants are mentioned in passing throughout The Lord of the Rings, sometimes in poetic passages. Frodo mistakes the Argonath for giants before seeing that they are just statues, and both Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith were reputedly built by giants.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Dragons (or "worms") appear in several varieties, distinguished by whether they have wings and whether they breathe fire (cold-drakes versus fire-drakes). The first of the fire-drakes (Urulóki in Quenya)[T 33] was Glaurung the Golden, bred by Morgoth in Angband, and called "The Great Worm", "The Worm of Morgoth", and "The Father of Dragons". Glaurung played a decisive part in the battles of Morgoth against the Elves in the First Age, and directed the defeat of Nargothrond, but was eventually slain by Túrin. Winged dragons first appeared in the Great Battle at the end of the First Age, led by Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of that host. In that battle he was slain by Eärendil.[T 34] Gandalf avers, however, that even the fire of Ancalagon was not sufficiently hot to destroy Sauron's One Ring.
In the Third Age lived Scatha the Worm,[T 35] "the great dragon of the Ered Mithrin" or Grey Mountains,[T 36] He owned a large hoard of dwarf-treasure, but was killed by Fram of the Éothéod in the North not long after the dwarves were driven from Moria. The dwarves demanded their treasure back, but Fram gave them only a necklace made of Scatha's teeth.[T 36] Subsequently, many dwarves settled in the Grey Mountains; but dragons multiplied there, and a great cold-drake killed Dain I (whereupon his heir Thrór, grandfather of Thorin Oakenshield, returned to re-establish the Kingdom under the Mountain at Erebor).[T 37] After nearly two centuries, that kingdom was destroyed by Smaug, a flying fire-drake, who was later killed by Bard the Bowman in The Hobbit. The Hobbit also refers in passing to "Were-worms in the Last Desert" (in the "East of East"), and to stone dragons.
Sapient animals
[sunting | sunting sumber]Sapient animals also appear in Middle-earth, such as the Eagles, Huan the Great Hound from Valinor and the wolf-like Wargs. The Eagles were created by Ilúvatar along with the Ents, and the Wargs were possibly descendants of earlier werewolves, but in general the origins and nature of these animals are unclear. Giant spiders such as Shelob descended from Ungoliant, of unknown origin. Other sapient species include the Crebain, evil crows who become spies for Saruman, and the Ravens of Erebor, who brought news to the Dwarves. Vampires are mentioned briefly in The Silmarillion (possibly equivalent to large bats who aided the Goblins and Wargs in The Hobbit). The horse-line of the Mearas of Rohan also appear to be intelligent and understand human speech. Beorn had a number of animal friends about his house. The Badger-folk are introduced in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. They are said to live between the Barrow-downs and the Old Forest. In one story they capture Tom Bombadil. In another poem Bombadil speaks with various local birds and other animals.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Adaptations
[sunting | sunting sumber]Films
[sunting | sunting sumber]In a letter to his son Christopher Tolkien, J. R. R. Tolkien set out his policy regarding film adaptations of his works: "Art or Cash".[T 38] He sold the film rights for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings to United Artists in 1969 after being faced with a sudden tax bill. They are currently in the hands of Middle-earth Enterprises, formerly known as Tolkien Enterprises. The Tolkien Estate retains the film rights to The Silmarillion and other works.
The first adaptation to be shown was The Hobbit in 1977, an animated film made by Rankin-Bass studios. This was initially shown on United States television.
The following year (1978), a movie entitled The Lord of the Rings was released, produced and directed by Ralph Bakshi; it was an adaptation of the first half of the story, using rotoscope animation. Although the film was relatively faithful to the story and a commercial success, its critical response (from critics, readers and non-readers alike) was mixed.
In 1980, Rankin-Bass produced an animated TV movie covering roughly the last half of The Lord of the Rings, called The Return of the King. However, this did not follow on directly from the end of the Bakshi film.
Plans for a live-action version of The Lord of the Rings would wait until the late 1990s to be realized. These were directed by Peter Jackson and funded by New Line Cinema, and produced in New Zealand with backing from the government and banking system.
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
The trilogy was a box office and critical success. The three films won seventeen Oscars altogether (at least one in each applicable category for a fictional, English language, live-action feature film, except in the acting categories).
The Hobbit (film series), a live-action adaptation of The Hobbit, was made as a prequel to The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, produced in New Zealand under the direction of Peter Jackson. Although Tolkien's novel The Hobbit is a single book, unlike The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit film series is a trilogy like The Lord of the Rings film series. The films were released in December 2012, December 2013, and December 2014.
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
- The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
In 2017, it was announced that a TV series by Amazon will serve as a prequel to the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It was later clarified that this show will take place in the early Second Age, during the Forging of the Great Rings,[9] and will alledgedly be in the same cinematic universe as the live-action films.[10]
[sunting | sunting sumber]The works of Tolkien have been a major influence on role-playing games along with others such as Robert E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, H. P. Lovecraft, and Michael Moorcock. Although the most famous game to be inspired partially by the setting was Dungeons & Dragons, there have been two specifically Middle-earth based and licensed games. These are the Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game from Decipher Inc. and the Middle-earth Role Playing game (MERP) and Middle Earth the Wizards CCG from Iron Crown Enterprises.
A Middle-Earth Play-By-Mail game was originally created in 1990[11] by Game Systems, Inc. under license by Tolkien Enterprises[12] and is still produced.[13] This play-by-email game was inducted into the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design's Hall of Fame in 1997.
Simulations Publications created three war games based on Tolkien's work. War of the Ring covered most of the events in The Lord of the Rings. Gondor focused on the battle of Pelennor Fields, and Sauron covered the Second Age battle before the gates of Mordor. The three games above were then released together as the Middle Earth game trilogy. Iron Crown Enterprises published The Fellowship of the Ring. A board game also called War of the Ring has been published by Fantasy Flight Games.
EA Games has released games based on the Jackson movies for the gaming consoles and the PC. These include the platformers The Two Towers, The Return of the King, the real-time strategy game The Battle for Middle-earth, its sequel The Battle for Middle-earth II and its expansion The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-King—which puts you in control of the warriors of Angmar, the home of the Witch-king, and the role-playing game The Third Age. Also recently, Pandemic Studios, famous creators of the Star Wars: Battlefront series worked with EA to create The Lord of the Rings: Conquest, a game with a similar system to Battlefront. The game has mixed reviews but overall was successfully accepted. Traveller's Tales games developed Lego The Hobbit and before that Lego The Lord of the Rings. The games were based on the films, but their worlds and characters were almost entirely made of LEGO bricks.
Book-based games (officially licensed from Tolkien Enterprises) include Vivendi's own platformer, The Fellowship of the Ring, and Sierra's own real-time strategy game, War of the Ring, and the many games based on The Hobbit.
Some games take place in between Tolkien's two major works (The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings), such as Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. In this game players take on the role of Talion, a slain Ranger of Gondor, trapped between life and death. He is aided by the wraith of Celebrimbor. Together they must sow chaos throughout the armies and servants of the second Dark Lord, Sauron.
Turbine (now a subsidiary of Warner Bros.) released the first Middle-earth-based graphical massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG): The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar in April 2007. Since then, there have been five major expansions of the game, each adding large portions of the Middle-earth landscape.
- Shadows of Angmar (original game release): Featured The Shire, Rivendell, Bree, and most of the lands of northern Eriador. Evendim and Forochel were added later, but they were not considered a major expansion of the game.
- Mines of Moria: Added Eregion, Moria, and Lothlórien.
- Siege of Mirkwood: Added southern Mirkwood (including Dol Guldur), and Enedwaith.
- Rise of Isengard: Added Dunland, the Gap of Rohan, Isengard, and the Great River area south of Lothlorien.
- Riders of Rohan: Added the area of Rohan east of the Entwash, including the Wold, the East Wall, the Norcrofts, the Sutcrofts, the Entwash Vale, and in a game update the region of Wildermore.
- Helm's Deep: Added the area of Rohan west of the Entwash, linking it to the Gap of Rohan, and including Edoras and the fortress of Helm's Deep.
Aside from officially licensed games, many Tolkien-inspired mods, custom maps and total conversions have been made for many games, such as Warcraft III, Minecraft,[14] Rome: Total War, Medieval II: Total War, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Moreover, the Middle-Earth DEM Project seeks to create a highly detailed model of middle earth by using various middle-earth maps to map every feasible aspect of the fictional world such as rivers, vegetation and buildings for their dataset compiled for the Outerra game engine.
In addition, there are many text-based MMORPGs (known as MU*s) based on Tolkien's Middle-earth. The oldest of these dates back to 1991, and was known as Middle-Earth MUD, run by using LPMUD.[15] After Middle-Earth MUD ended in 1992, it was followed by Elendor[16] and MUME (Multi Users in Middle-earth).[17]
Scientific research
[sunting | sunting sumber]Climatologists from the University of Bristol actually simulated what the weather would be like in author J.R.R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy.[18] Richard Pancost, one of the scientists who worked on the climate model, pointed out in a press release: "Because climate models are based on fundamental scientific processes, they are able not only to simulate the climate of the modern Earth, but can also be easily adapted to simulate any planet, real or imagined, so long as the underlying continental positions and heights, and ocean depths are known."
In other works
[sunting | sunting sumber]There are allusions to Middle-earth in other works by Tolkien, and in the work of other writers both before and after him. William Morris's translation of the Volsung Saga calls the world "Midgard".[19] An early usage in modern English is the poem "The Gray Magician" (1918) by Margaret Widdemer:
"I was living very merrily on Middle Earth
As merry as a maid may be
Till the Gray Magician came down along the road
And flung his cobweb cloak on me..."[20]
C. S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, calls the home planet "Middle-earth". Lewis's novels are situated at the approximate time of World War II, with the last novel, That Hideous Strength, set in post-war England, and they specifically refer to Tolkien's legendarium (at that time largely unpublished), treating these references as primary fact within Lewis's fiction. Merlin, of King Arthur fame, is treated as a successor to the Atlantis magic found within "Numinor" (Lewis's unintentional misspelling of Númenor), and similarities can also be found in the Quenya name for Númenor, which is Atalantë, and Lewis specifically references the earth as Middle-earth twice, both in Chapter 13, "They Have Pulled Down Deep Heaven on Their Heads". Lewis's borrowings came directly from Tolkien himself: they were close friends and shared each other's literary creations. Lewis encouraged Tolkien to persevere with his Middle-earth writings.
See also
[sunting | sunting sumber]- J.R.R. Tolkien bibliography
- Middle-earth canon
- Middle-earth cosmology
- Middle-earth magic
- Middle-earth peoples
- Outline of Middle-earth
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ The Oxford English Dictionary records usages of it by, among others, William Shakespeare, Robert Kirk, Walter Scott, George Crabbe, Nathaniel Hawthorne and, in the 1920s, E. R. Eddison.
- ^ The word middangeard appears several times in the Beowulf poem. The word is also used by Cædmon in Cædmon's Hymn.
- ^ "-geard" (Old Norse garðr) means, among other things, "yard" or "enclosure", while "-erde" (Old Norse jörð) means "earth".[4]
[sunting | sunting sumber]Primary
[sunting | sunting sumber]- This list identifies each item's location in Tolkien's writings.
- ^ During an interview in January 1971, when asked whether the stories take place in a different era, Tolkien stated, "No ... at a different stage of imagination, yes." Speaking of Midgard and Middle-earth, he said: "Oh yes, they're the same word. Most people have made this mistake of thinking Middle-earth is a particular kind of earth or is another planet of the science fiction sort but it's just an old fashioned word for this world we live in, as imagined surrounded by the Ocean." Rico Abrahamsen Webwork by Varda. "Stages of Imagination". Dicapai pada 19 March 2012.
- ^ Tolkien, J.R.R. (Januari 1971). "Now Read On... interview". Now Read On ... (Temu ramah). Ditemuramah oleh Dennis Gerrolt. BBC. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 23 Jun 2001.
- ^ Letters, #183
- ^ Tolkien, J.R.R. Humphrey Carpenter (penyunting). Letters. 151, 165, 183, 210, 211, 212, 294, 325.
- ^ Tolkien, J.R.R. Humphrey Carpenter (penyunting). Letters. 211 (footnote).
a brief episode of History
- ^ Letters, #190
- ^ The Return of the King, Appendix D, "Calendars"
- ^ The Silmarillion, p. 44 "Menelmacar with his shining belt"
- ^ Tolkien, J.R.R. Humphrey Carpenter (penyunting). Letters. 294.
- ^ The Silmarillion, p. 352 "Of the Dwarves few fought upon either side; but the kindred of Durin of Moria fought against Sauron."
- ^ 28. For they had met some far to the East who were of evil mind. [This was a later pencilled note. On the previous page of the typescript my father wrote at the same time, without indication of its reference to the text but perhaps arising from the mention (p. 301) of the awakening of the eastern kindreds of the Dwarves: 'Alas, it seems probable that (as Men did later) the Dwarves of the far eastern mansions (and some of the nearer ones?) came under the Shadow of Morgoth and turned to evil.'] Peoples of Middle Earth, History of Middle Earth volume XII
- ^ a b Tolkien, J.R.R. Humphrey Carpenter (penyunting). Letters. 211.
- ^ The Fellowship of the Ring, "Prologue"
- ^ The Silmarillion index entry Urulóki
- ^ The Silmarillion, ch. 24 "Of the Voyage of Eärendil"
- ^ The Fellowship of the Ring, "Prologue"
- ^ Letters, #169
- ^ Letters, #183
- ^ Ralat petik: Tag
tidak sah; tiada teks disediakan bagi rujukan yang bernamaletters2942
- ^ Letters, #190
- ^ Terjemahan dari The Return of the King, Appendix D, "Calendars"
- ^ The Silmarillion, p. 44 "Menelmacar with his shining belt"
- ^ The Silmarillion, p. 45 "And high in the north as a challenge to Melkor she set the crown of seven mighty stars to swing, Valacirca, the Sickle of the Valar..."
- ^ The Fellowship of the Ring, book 1, ch. 8 "Strider" "The Sickle [The Hobbits' name for the Plough or Great Bear] was swinging bright above the shoulders of Bree-hill."
- ^ a b The Silmarillion, "Ainulindalë"
- ^ The Peoples of Middle-earth, The History of Middle Earth volume XII, p. 410
- ^ Unfinished Tales, p. 388
- ^ The Silmarillion, p. 352 "Of the Dwarves few fought upon either side; but the kindred of Durin of Moria fought against Sauron."
- ^ The Hobbit, "They did not hate dwarves especially, no more than they hated everybody and everything, and particularly the orderly and prosperous; in some parts wicked dwarves had even made alliances with them.
- ^ 28. For they had met some far to the East who were of evil mind. [This was a later pencilled note. On the previous page of the typescript my father wrote at the same time, without indication of its reference to the text but perhaps arising from the mention (p. 301) of the awakening of the eastern kindreds of the Dwarves: 'Alas, it seems probable that (as Men did later) the Dwarves of the far eastern mansions (and some of the nearer ones?) came under the Shadow of Morgoth and turned to evil.'] Peoples of Middle Earth, History of Middle Earth volume XII
- ^ The Return of the King, Appendix F. "But they [Dwarves] are not evil by nature, and few ever served the Enemy of free will, whatever the tales of Men may have alleged. For Men of old lusted after their wealth and the work of their hands, and there has been enmity between the races."}}
- ^ The Hobbit, ch. 5 "Riddles in the Dark". "Poor Bilbo sat in the dark thinking of all the horrible names of all the giants and ogres he had ever heard told of in tales, but not one of them had done all these things."}}
- ^ The Silmarillion index entry Urulóki
- ^ The Silmarillion, ch. 24 "Of the Voyage of Eärendil"
- ^ The Return of the King, book 6, ch. 6 "Many Partings"
- ^ a b The Return of the King, Appendix A, Part II
- ^ The Return of the King, Appendix A, Part III
- ^ Letters, #202
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ The Fellowship of the Ring, book 1, ch. 8 "Strider" "The Sickle [The Hobbits' name for the Plough or Great Bear] was swinging bright above the shoulders of Bree-hill."
- ^ Harper, Douglas. "Midgard". Online Etymological Dictionary; Dicapai pada 12 March 2010.
- ^ Shippey, Tom (2005) [1982]. The Road to Middle-Earth (ed. Third). The Lost Straight Road: HarperCollins. m/s. 324–328. ISBN 978-0261102750.
- ^ Arthur, Ross G. (2002). English-Old Norse Dictionary (PDF). Cambridge, Ontario: Linguistics Series. Dicapai pada 15 January 2020.
- ^ a b The Ring of Words, p. 164
- ^ Flood, Alison (23 October 2015). "Tolkien's annotated map of Middle-earth discovered inside copy of Lord of the Rings". The Guardian.
- ^ Shippey, Tom (2005) [1982]. The Road to Middle-Earth (ed. Third). The Lost Straight Road: HarperCollins. m/s. 324–328. ISBN 978-0261102750.
- ^ Martinez, Michael (15 November 2011). "Did Dwarves Ever Serve Sauron?".
- ^ "Amazon's Lord of the Rings Series Will Be Set in the Second Age".
- ^ Sutton, David. "Interview with Narnia Conceptual Designer John Howe".
- ^ "Middle-Earth Play-By-Mail".
- ^ "Middle Earth Enterprises". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 23 September 2013.
- ^ "Middle-Earth Play-By-Mail". Games Systems.
- ^ Bauer, Manuel. "Minecraft: Spieler haben das komplette Auenland nachgebaut". Computer Bild. Dicapai pada 9 February 2016.
- ^, Newsgroup, 1 June 1994
- ^ Davis, Erik (1 October 2001). "The Fellowship of the Ring". Wired.
- ^ For a (rather long) list of all the Tolkien inspired MU*s go to The Mud Connector Diarkibkan 26 Disember 2005 di Wayback Machine and run a search for 'tolkien'.
- ^ "Climatologists Modeled Middle Earth Weather in Geekiest Study Ever".
- ^ Morris, William (2015). Delphi Complete Works of William Morris (Illustrated). Delphi Classics. m/s. 5104. ISBN 978-1-910630-92-1.
- ^ "The Old Road to Paradise by Margaret Widdemer".
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Anderson, Douglas (2003) [2002]. The Annotated Hobbit (ed. Revised and expanded). HarperCollins. ISBN 0-00-713727-3.
- Blackham, Robert S. (2006). The Roots of Tolkien's Middle-earth (ed. 1st). Tempus. ISBN 0-7524-3856-5.
- Carpenter, Humphrey (1977). J. R. R. Tolkien: A Biography (ed. 1st). George Allen & Unwin. ISBN 0-04-928037-6.
- Carpenter, Humphrey, penyunting (1981), The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0-395-31555-7
- Fonstad, Karen Wynn (1981). The Atlas of Middle-earth (ed. 1st). Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0-395-28665-4.
- Foster, Robert (2001) [1978]. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth. Ballantine Books. ISBN 0-345-44976-2.
- Garth, John (2003). Tolkien and the Great War (ed. 1st). HarperCollins. ISBN 0-00-711952-6.
- Gilliver, Peter; Jeremy Marshall; Edmund Weiner (2006). The Ring of Words (ed. 1st). Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-861069-6.
- Hammond, Wayne G.; Christina Scull (2004) [1995]. J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator. HarperCollins. ISBN 0-261-10322-9.
- Hammond, Wayne G.; Christina Scull (2005). The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion (ed. 1st). HarperCollins. ISBN 0-00-720907-X.
- Shippey, Tom (2005) [1982]. The Road to Middle-earth (ed. 3nd). HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0261102750.
- Shippey, Tom (2001) [2000]. J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of the Century (ed. 1st paperback). HarperCollins. ISBN 0-261-10401-2.
- Strachey, Barbara (1981). Journeys of Frodo. George Allen & Unwin. ISBN 0-04-912016-6.
- Tolkien, J. R. R. (1977), Christopher Tolkien (penyunting), The Silmarillion, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0-395-25730-1
- Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (diterbitkan 1987), ISBN 0-395-08254-4
- Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954), The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (diterbitkan 1987), ISBN 0-395-08254-4
- Tolkien, J. R. R. (1955), The Return of the King, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (diterbitkan 1987), ISBN 0-395-08256-0
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- Templat:ME-ref/POME
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