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Seekor kyi-leo berumur dua tahun
Pengelasan dan piawaian
Tidak diiktiraf oleh mana-mana kelab kenel utama
Anjing (Canis lupus familiaris)

Kyi-leo (Sebutan bahasa Melayu: [ˈki leˈo]) ialah satu baka anjing jarang tegap dan kecil.

Lihat juga

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • "Dog Day Afternoon Helps Poor Pooches." Times - Picayune. New Orleans. 30 Mac 2000: C1.
  • Green, Randy. "Filas and Tatras: Check Out These Rare Breeds." Seattle Times 29 Jun 1997: H5.
  • Hunt, Karyn. "Dog breeders bare their canines over standards. // PETS:Two owners of the Kyi-Leo breed, a mix of Maltese and Lhasa apso, are at odds over its qualifications." Orange County Register. 23 November 1997: A11.

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[sunting | sunting sumber]