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The term colonialism may also be used to refer to a set of beliefs used to legitimize or promote this system. Colonialism was often based on the ethnocentric belief that the morals and values of the colonizer were superior to those of the colonized; some observers link such beliefs to racism and pseudo-scientific theories dating to the 17th and 18th centuries. In the western world, this led to a form of proto-social Darwinism that placed white people at the top of the animal kingdom, "naturally" in charge of dominating non-European indigenous populations...
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Gambar-gambar silam Minggu (POW)
A Pith Helmet From turn of the Century French Djibouti (Djibouti)-POW Week of Sept.9th
Colonialism at its Height in 1900-POW Week of Sept.2th
Projek Kumpulan Kolonialisme (Tandatangani Nama Anda dan Bantu)
Projek Kumpulan Kolonialisme-
Members: Leo III 00:27, 17 September 2007 (UTC)(Founder)
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Bantu Memperbaiki:
- Colony* Colonization* Anticolonialism* Settler colonialism* Chartered companies* Empire* European colonization of the Americas* Global Empire* Imperialism* Protectorate* Concession (territory)* Colonial wars* Arab Empire* Belgian colonial empire* British empire* Danish colonial empire* Dutch empire* French colonial empire* German colonial empire* Italian empire* Japanese empire* Mexican empire* Mongol empire* Ottoman empire* Portuguese empire* Russian empire* Spanish empire* Swedish empire
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