Perang India-Pakistan 1971
Perang India-Pakistan 1971 | |||||||||
Sebahagian daripada Perang India-Pakistan | |||||||||
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Pihak yang terlibat | |||||||||
![]() * ![]() * Mukti Bahini |
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Komandan dan pemimpin | |||||||||
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Kekuatan | |||||||||
500.000+ tentera 100.000 pemberontak Mukti Bahini | 400.000+ tentera | ||||||||
Kerugian dan korban | |||||||||
3.843 terkorban[1] 9.851 cedera [1] | 4.000 terkorban 10.000 cedera 90.368 ditangkap[2] |
Perang India-Pakistan 1971 ialah konfrontasi ketenteraan antara India dan Pakistan yang berlaku semasa perang pembebasan di Pakistan Timur(kini Bangladesh) dari 3 Disember 1971 hingga kejatuhan Dacca (Dhaka) pada 16 Disember 1971. Perang bermula dengan serangan udara di 11 stesen udara India, yang membawa kepada permulaan permusuhan dengan Pakistan dan India masuk ke perang kemerdekaan di Pakistan Timur di sisi pasukan nasionalis Bengali. Bertahan hanya 13 hari, ia merupakan salah satu perang terpendek dalam sejarah.[3][4]
Semasa perang, tentera India dan Pakistan serentak bertelagah di bahagian timur dan barat; perang berakhir selepas Perintah Timur tentera Pakistan menandatangani Instrumen Penyerahan[5] pada 16 Disember 1971 di Dhaka, menandakan pembentukan Pakistan Timur sebagai negara baru Bangladesh. Secara rasmi, Pakistan Timur sebelum ini menyeru pengasingannya dari perpaduan Pakistan pada 26 Mac 1971. Kira-kira 90,000[6] hingga 93,000 askar Pakistan dipenjarakan oleh Tentera India, yang meliputi 79,676 hingga 81,000 anggota seragam Angkatan Bersenjata Pakistan, termasuk beberapa askar Bengali yang tetap setia kepada Pakistan.[7][8] Baki 10,324 hingga 12,500 tahanan adalah orang awam, sama ada anggota keluarga anggota tentera atau kolaborator (razakar).[9][10][11] Dianggarkan bahawa antara 300,000 dan 3,000,000 orang awam terbunuh di Bangladesh.[12][13][14][15][16] Akibat konflik itu, lebih lapan hingga sepuluh juta orang melarikan diri dari negara itu untuk mendapatkan perlindungan di India.[17]
Semasa perang Bangladesh untuk kemerdekaan pada 1971, anggota tentera Pakistan dan menyokong militia Islam memanggil Razakar merogol antara 200,000 dan 400,000 wanita dan gadis Bangladesh dalam kempen pemerkosaan genosidal yang sistematik.[18]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ a b Official Government of India Statement giving numbers of KIA - Parliament of India Website
- ^ Quantification of Losses Suffered
- ^ "India: Easy Victory, Uneasy Peace". Time. 27 December 1971.
- ^ "World's shortest war lasted for only 45 minutes". Pravda. 10 March 2007.
- ^ Azhar, M. u. R., Masood, S., & Malek, N. M. (2018). Conflict and Development: A case study of East Pakistan Crisis, 1971. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 2(9).
- ^ Orton, Anna (2010). India's Borderland Disputes: China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Epitome Books. m/s. 117. ISBN 9789380297156. Dicapai pada 2016-03-10.
- ^ Burke, S. M (1974). Mainsprings of Indian and Pakistani Foreign Policies – S. M. Burke. ISBN 9780816607204. Dicapai pada 27 July 2012.
- ^ Bose, Sarmila (November 2011). "The question of genocide and the quest for justice in the 1971 war" (PDF). Journal of Genocide Research. 13 (4): 398. doi:10.1080/14623528.2011.625750.
- ^ "Jamaat claims denied by evidence". THE DAILY STAR. 28 February 2008. Dicapai pada 10 March 2016.
- ^ Haqqani, Hussain (2005). Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military. United Book Press. ISBN 978-0-87003-214-1., Chapter 3, p. 87.
- ^ Burke, Samuel Martin (1974). Mainsprings of Indian and Pakistani Foreign Policies. University of Minnesota Press. m/s. 216. ISBN 978-0-8166-5714-8.
- ^ Alston, Margaret (2015). Women and Climate Change in Bangladesh. Routledge. m/s. 40. ISBN 9781317684862. Dicapai pada 2016-03-08.
- ^ Totten, Samuel (2012). Plight and Fate of Women During and Following Genocide. Transaction Publishers. m/s. 55. ISBN 9781412847599. Dicapai pada 2016-03-08.
- ^ Myers, David G. (2004). Exploring Social Psychology 4E. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. m/s. 269. ISBN 9780070700628. Dicapai pada 2016-03-08.
- ^ Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Sitrep: Army Terror Campaign Continues in Dacca; Evidence Military Faces Some Difficulties Elsewhere, 31 March 1971, Confidential, 3 pp.
- ^ Kennedy, Senator Edward, "Crisis in South Asia – A report to the Subcommittee investigating the Problem of Refugees and Their Settlement, Submitted to U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee", 1 November 1971, U.S. Govt. Press, page 66. Sen. Kennedy wrote, "Field reports to the U.S. Government, countless eye-witness journalistic accounts, reports of International agencies such as World Bank and additional information available to the subcommittee document the reign of terror which grips East Bengal (East Pakistan). Hardest hit have been members of the Hindu community who have been robbed of their lands and shops, systematically slaughtered, and in some places, painted with yellow patches marked 'H'. All of this has been officially sanctioned, ordered and implemented under martial law from Islamabad."
- ^ Rummel, Rudolph J., "Statistics of Democide: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900", ISBN 3-8258-4010-7, Chapter 8, Table 8.2 Pakistan Genocide in Bangladesh Estimates, Sources, and Calculations: lowest estimate 2 million claimed by Pakistan (reported by Aziz, Qutubuddin. Blood and tears Karachi: United Press of Pakistan, 1974. pp. 74, 226), some other sources used by Rummel suggest a figure of between 8 and 10 million with one (Johnson, B. L. C. Bangladesh. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1975. pp. 73, 75) that "could have been" 12 million.
- ^ Sharlach, Lisa (2000). "Rape as Genocide: Bangladesh, the Former Yugoslavia, and Rwanda". New Political Science. 22 (1): (89–102), 92–93. doi:10.1080/713687893.
Bacaan lanjut
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Cilano, Cara, penyunting (2010). Pakistaniaat: Special issue on 1971 War.
- Hanhimäki, Jussi M. (2004). The Flawed Architect: Henry Kissinger and American Foreign Policy. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-517221-8.
- Hayes, Jarrod. "Securitization, social identity, and democratic security: Nixon, India, and the ties that bind." International Organization 66.1 (2012): 63-93. online
- Haqqani, Hussain (2005). Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military. United Book Press. ISBN 978-0-87003-214-1.
- Niazi, General A. A. K. (1999). Betrayal of East Pakistan. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-579275-1.
- Palit, D K (1972). The Lightning Campaign: The Indo-Pakistan War 1971. Compton Press Ltd. ISBN 978-0-900193-10-1.
- Raghavan, Srinath (2013). 1971– A global History of Creation of Bangladesh (PDF). Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-72864-6.
- Raja, Dewan Mohammad Tasawwar (2010). O General My General (Life and Works of General M A G Osmany). The Osmany Memorial Trust, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISBN 978-984-8866-18-4.
- Saigal, J R (2000). Pakistan Splits: The Birth of Bangladesh. Manas Publications. ISBN 9788170491248.
- Warner, Geoffrey. "Nixon, Kissinger and the breakup of Pakistan, 1971." International Affairs 81.5 (2005): 1097-1118.
Pautan luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Video of General Niazi Surrendering
- A complete coverage of the war from the Indian perspective
- An Atlas of the 1971 India – Pakistan War: The Creation of Bangladesh by John H. Gill
- Actual conversation from the then US President Nixon and Henry Kissinger during the 1971 War – US Department of State's Official archive.
- Indian Army: Major Operations
- Pakistan: Partition and Military Succession USA Archives
- Pakistan intensifies air raid on India BBC
- A day by day account of the war as seen in a virtual newspaper.
- The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971.
- 16 December 1971: any lessons learned? By Ayaz Amir – Pakistan's Dawn
- India-Pakistan 1971 War as covered by TIME
- Indian Air Force Combat Kills in the 1971 war (unofficial), Centre for Indian Military History
- Op Cactus Lilly: 19 Infantry Division in 1971, a personal recall by Lt Col Balwant Singh Sahore
- All for a bottle of Scotch, a personal recall of Major (later Major General) C K Karumbaya, SM, the battle for Magura
- "The Rediff Interview/Lt Gen A A Khan Niazi". Rediff. 2 February 2004.