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Wikipedia:Kedai Kopi (teknikal)/Arkib/2015

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Mengubah paparan TA

[sunting sumber]

Seperti yang dibincangkan di KK cadangan untuk penjanaan TA separuh automatik. Jadi saya akan laksanakannya pada tahun ini. Harap maklum. SNN95 05:03, 3 Januari 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Templat:Location map

[sunting sumber]

Kepada sesiapa pencipta rencana yang menggunakan {{Infobox settlement}} atau templat yang memasukkan {{Infobox settlement}}, sila pindah mana2 templat [[Templat:Location map <negara/negeri/wlayah>]] kepada [[Templat:Peta lokasi <negara/negeri/wlayah>]]. Jika tidak boleh pindah, sila dapatkan bantuan penyelia. Perubahan ini akan menyelesaikan beberapa ralat paparan peta (sakit mata tengok tulisan merah banyak sangat! ). Sekian... SNN95 14:38, 4 Januari 2015 (UTC)[balas]


[sunting sumber]

Tolong lihat apa masalah modul ini yang menyebabkan sesetengah rujukan tidak boleh dilihat. Lihat laman Pengguna:SNN95/Kotak pasir/Senarai manga mengikut jumlah jilid bahagian rujukan petikan utk masalah pada modul ini. Tolong @Algazel: atau @Kurniasan:!!! SNN95 06:53, 13 Januari 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Takpela... dah jadi... SNN95 10:26, 13 Januari 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Extension Sidebar

[sunting sumber]

Saje nak tau, pentadbir kat sini ada install tak semua extension yang berkaitan sidebar? Sebab sidebar yang ada dalam wiki ni, contohnya Senarai manga mengikut jumlah jilid yang menggunakan {{Anime dan manga}}. Di WBInggeris, templat ini akan menyorok semua laman yang tersenarai dalam templat berdasarkan fungsi yang digunakan. Tetapi di WBM, seperti tidak berfungsi sebaik WBI. Tolong jelaskan jika tidak meng"install" extension ini? SNN95 15:18, 13 Januari 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Content Translation beta feature is now available

[sunting sumber]

Hello, On behalf of the WMF Language Engineering team I am very happy to let you all know that Content Translation has been enabled as a beta feature on the Malay Wikipedia. To start translating, you can enable the beta feature and go to Khas:ContentTranslation or to your contributions page and create a new translation by selecting the source language, the article name and target language. If the article already exists then a warning will be displayed. After you translate the article, you can publish it under your user namespace. If you are happy with the translated page, you can copy it over to the main namespace of the Wikipedia.

Content Translation can be configured on the wiki to publish the page directly in the main namespace but has not been enabled in this Wikipedia now. This is highly recommended to avoid additional manual steps in the publishing process. If no serious problems are observed during the next 2 weeks of testing we would like to check back if we can switch to publishing to the main namespace.

Since, this is the first time we have installed the tool on this Wikipedia, there are chances that there may be some problems or service disruptions which we are not yet aware of. We will be monitoring the usage to check for any failures or issues, but please do let us know on the Content Translation talk page or through Phabricator if you spot any problems that prevent you from using the tool. For more information, please read the release announcement. We will be making a formal announcement on the Wikimedia blog later this week. You can also view a short screencast on how to use Content Translation. Thank you and my apologies for making this announcement only in English.--Runa Bhattacharjee (bincang) 16:10, 19 Januari 2015 (UTC)[balas]

VisualEditor News #1—2015

[sunting sumber]

18:30, 5 Februari 2015 (UTC)

Saya baru sahaja mengimport masuk Modul:Shortcut dan Modul:Shortcut/config bagi {{Jalan pintas}}. Tetapi ada banyak masalah dari segi paparan templat ini. Templat ini akan mengeluarkan ralat seperti ini: Ralat: tidak ada jalan pintas dinyatakan dan parameter |msg= tidak dinyatakan. walaupun pada parameter pertama saya sudah meletakkan jalan pintas yang saya mahu.

Paparan ini boleh dilihat di Pengguna:SNN95/Test/Jalan pintas. Saya harap pakar coding kita dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini. SNN95 05:05, 15 Februari 2015 (UTC)[balas]

local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
		wrappers = 'Template:Shortcut' -- Gantikan ini dengan nama templat anda.
--Kurnia [ bual ] 05:25, 16 Februari 2015 (UTC)[balas]
@Kurniasan: Terima kasih! SNN95 10:18, 17 Februari 2015 (UTC)[balas]
Sama-sama --Kurnia [ bual ] 06:48, 18 Februari 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Content Translation - Activating publishing to Wikipedia's main namespace on 5th March 2015

[sunting sumber]

Hello, since the availability of Content Translation beta-feature on the Malay Wikipedia several articles have already been published using the tool. We have been monitoring the system and have not found any major issues. On 5th March 2015 we are prepared to switch publishing newly translate pages directly into the main namespace from Content Translation. Please let us know through the project Talk Page or phabricator if there are any bugs/issues that would need immediate attention prior to this. My apologies for writing in English. Please feel free to translate this message for wider distribution. Thank you.--Runa Bhattacharjee (bincang) 16:32, 2 Mac 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Hello, we have now changed the configuration that will allow editors to publish new articles written using Content Translation directly to the main namespace on the Malay Wikipedia. In case the article already exists in the Wikipedia, users will see an option to save the newly published translation under their user namespace. Please do test this feature and let us know on the Content Translation Talk Page or Phabricator if there are any issues that cause interruptions. Thank You.--Runa Bhattacharjee (bincang) 17:25, 5 Mac 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Mengurangkan kod dalam MediaWiki:Common.js

[sunting sumber]

Saya mahu berbuat demikian kerana kadar memuatkan laman (loading page) mengambil masa yang lama. Jadi saya cadangkan untuk mengurangkan kod dalam MediaWiki:Common.js dan memberikan sublaman kepada kod yang hanya diperlukan pada laman tertentu. Saya mahu melakukannya sekarang dan mengharapkan sysop terutamanya @Kurniasan: izinkan saya membuat modifikasi terhadap kegagalan yang terdahulu. Jika tidak menjadi, saya akan kekalkan semula kod lama. Sekian, harap maklum... SNN95 04:38, 15 Mac 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Masa memuat satu laman tunggal mungkin lama, tapi jika anda pecahkan kod, lebih banyak sambungan rangkaian diperlukan berbanding hanya satu sambungan rangkaian bagi satu laman. Lagipun saya lihat, MediaWiki:Common.js tidaklah terlalu besar saiznya. --Kurnia [ bual ] 02:44, 19 Mac 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Gambar Pilihan di Laman Utama

[sunting sumber]

Oleh kerana kita kekurangan penyumbang yang sanggup menyelenggara gambar pilihan, saya cadangkan kita gunakan skrip lua supaya jika tiada gambar pilihan pada minggu tertentu, skrip tersebut akan mencari gambar pilihan yang terakhir dan memaparkannya di Laman Utama. Jadi, kita hanya perlu membuat templat WP:GP dilindungi/WW MMMM jika ada calon baharu. Skripnya sudah tersedia di Modul:Kotakpasir/Kurniasan/GambarPilihan.

Sebagai contoh, Templat:WP:GP dilindungi/Minggu 5 2025 tidak wujud buat masa ini, [[Templat:{{#invoke:Kotakpasir/Kurniasan/GambarPilihan|main|{{CURRENTWEEK}}|{{CURRENTYEAR}}}}]] akan menghasilkan Templat:WP:GP dilindungi/Minggu 1 2021.

--Kurnia [ bual ] 07:36, 19 Mac 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Saya sudah gunakan Modul:LamanUtama di Laman Utama untuk gambar pilihan. --Kurnia [ bual ] 05:13, 20 Mac 2015 (UTC)[balas]
Terbaik!!! Saya agak sibuk semenjak dua minggu ni. Assignment kolej menggunakan hampir kesemua masa saya nak luangkan kat sini. Thanks @Kurniasan: SNN95 09:53, 22 Mac 2015 (UTC)[balas]

VisualEditor News #2—2015

[sunting sumber]

19:48, 10 April 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #3—2015

[sunting sumber]

10:44, 13 Jun 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #4—2015

[sunting sumber]

Elitre (WMF), 22:28, 14 Ogos 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Your attention please: VisualEditor feedback will be centralized on

[sunting sumber]

Hello. The VisualEditor team would like to inform you of a plan to redirect local pages for VisualEditor feedback to the board on a few weeks from now. This applies to all the wikis where such pages are inactive or have low traffic, including yours. When this happens, editors will be free to use their own language to write on the's page - although English is the most popular language there. Even feedback left from within VisualEditor with the built-in tool will be posted to the board on

Click on the image to enlarge it: location of the built-in feedback tool in VisualEditor.
Click on the image to enlarge it: screenshot of the new feedback board on

Having all the feedback on a single, centralized place mainly means getting faster, more frequent replies and more attention from a higher number of people, including the people who are building the software. It also means chances are high, that editors will find that someone else has already written there about the issues or requests they wanted to post.

Maintaining a local page instead can be cumbersome: it needs to be checked frequently in case someone reports urgent issues. Old threads need to be archived from time to time. Off-topic comments should be removed to keep readability. Feedback left there is sometimes not easily understandable or actionable at all.

We think this will help us in being more effective while processing feedback from a larger pool of wikis, not just the biggest ones. If you have any comments about this announcement, please leave them at my talk page. Thanks for your understanding, Elitre (WMF) 17:49, 27 Ogos 2015 (UTC)[balas]


[sunting sumber]

Saya cadangkan mswiki mengaktifkan hak rollbacker di sini. Ianya boleh meringankan tugas sysop dan menurunkan tingkat vandalisme. Sekadar informasi, di idwiki ini sudah lama diterapkan dan cukup membantu. Bagaimana pandangan saudara sekalian? Muhraz (bincang) 11:30, 1 Oktober 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Saya setuju memandangkan banyak Penyelia agak sibuk kebelakangan ini. Cukup sekadar mengawal kualiti dan mengekang vandalisme. Polar (bincang) 12:23, 1 Oktober 2015 (UTC)[balas]
Ada dua perkara yang perlu dibincangkan seandainya hak ini diterapkan.
  1. Apa nama tempatan yang sesuai untuk pemegang hak tersebut?
  2. Apa persyaratan untuk mendapatkannya?
Merujuk kepada pengalaman di idwiki, nama tempatan untuk hak ini adalah pengembali revisi. Untuk mswiki mungkin boleh guna pengembali semakan. Untuk persyaratan, saya cadangkan sebarang pengguna yang telah mempunyai 300 suntingan, terdaftar selama tiga bulan, dan aktif dalam membalikkan vandalisme dapat memohon untuk menjadi rollbacker. Salam, Muhraz (bincang) 12:51, 1 Oktober 2015 (UTC)[balas]

VisualEditor News #5—2015

[sunting sumber]

Elitre (WMF), 18:18, 30 Oktober 2015 (UTC)[balas]

Your attention please: feedback about the visual editor will soon be centralized on

[sunting sumber]

Hello again. Please excuse the English. Please help translate to your language. Terima kasih!

This is an update from the Editing team about redirecting local pages for feedback about the visual editor to the board on This is now technically feasible and will happen in early 2016. It applies to several wikis where such pages are inactive or have low traffic, including this wiki. We think this will help us in being more effective while processing feedback from a larger pool of wikis, not just the biggest ones. Please read our previous announcement from late August for more information; we thought we would double-check that this community is informed and agrees with the change. Please notice that if at least one community member here expressly commits to taking care of the local page, the redirect will not be necessary at this time, though. If you'd like to step up and be that person, please let me know within one week: we'll need to establish a clear process as soon as possible so that this person knows when and how to escalate issues to Phabricator or to Community Liaisons, and can receive useful tips based on our experience.

Thanks for your understanding, Elitre (WMF) 18:29, 14 Disember 2015 (UTC)[balas]

VisualEditor News #6—2015

[sunting sumber]

Elitre (WMF), 00:06, 25 Disember 2015 (UTC)[balas]