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Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Allows a clean link in articles on bird species to recordings of songs, calls, etc. for that species' listing at Up to four audio recordings at the Wikimedia Commons can be added, and the default image seen can be changed to any one you specify.

Minimal form

[sunting sumber]
 | url = url at (required)
 | species = the name of the species (required). If not using the scientific name, you may need to add a definite article ["the"; "a"] depending on the context.

Scientific name example:
{{Birdsong|species = ''Sitta przewalskii''|url =}}
produces the template seen at the right for Przevalski's nuthatch.

Common name Example, with definite article needed:
{{Birdsong|species = the Canada goose|url =}}
produces the template seen at the right for the Canada goose.

Adding Wikimedia Commons audio files

[sunting sumber]
 | url = url at (required)
 | species = the name of the species (required)
 | song1 = name of the first audio file (optional)
 | caption song1 = caption for the first audio file (optional)
 | song2 = name of the second audio file (optional)
 | caption song2 = caption for the second audio file (optional)
 | song3 = name of the third audio file (optional)
 | caption song3 = caption for the third audio file (optional)
 | song4 = name of the fourth audio file (optional)
 | caption song4 = caption for the fourth audio file (optional)

Dickcissel male perched on a metal pole singing, with neck stretched and beak open.

Songs and calls

Call of the Canada goose:

Thus: {{Birdsong|url =|species = Canada goose|song1 = Branta canadensis.ogg|caption song1 = Call of the Canada goose}}
produces the template seen at right for the Canada goose.

Changing the image

[sunting sumber]

If you want to change the default image seen in the examples, simply add:

|image=name of image; do NOT prefix "File:"

{{Birdsong|species = the Canada goose|url =|image=Canada Goose -Branta canadensis.JPG}}
produces the template seen at the right.

Additional topography syntax

[sunting sumber]

You can add the following additional, optional, parameters to force a Templat:Glossary link of the template's display from its Templat:Glossary link:

 | Align = left / center (right by default)
 | length = Number (250 by default); do NOT use "px"; just enter a number, e.g., length=300
 | height = Number (50 by default); do NOT use "px"; just enter a number, e.g., height=75