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Perbincangan pengguna:Vituzzu

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ArrazzazBot 22:01, 25 Mei 2008 (UTC)[balas]

Why deletion?

It's also in EN wiki. Yosri (bincang) 23:03, 30 Jun 2011 (UTC)[balas]

Under Malaysia law, fair use is allowed
"(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the right of control under that subsection does not include the right to control—(a) the doing of any of the acts referred to in subsection (1)by way of fair dealing for purposes of non-profit research, private study, criticism, review or the reporting of current events, subject to the condition that if such use is public, it is accompanied by an acknowledgement of the title of the work and its authorship, except where the work is in connection with the doing of any of such acts for the purposes of non-profit research, private study and the reporting of current events by means of a sound recording, film or broadcast;;"
In addition, the images is small, low quality, and already widely available in Internet. Yosri (bincang) 13:44, 1 Julai 2011 (UTC)[balas]

Referance for singers' picts are not eligible for fair-use nor EDP!? Yosri (bincang) 13:53, 1 Julai 2011 (UTC)[balas]
Personally, I use album cover for singer picture, but for others "ie. actor" it is difficult to get PD picture especially in Malaysia. I used low quality pic (strongly discourage), to be replaced with PD when it become available. But it is difficult to control others. Yosri (bincang) 13:59, 1 Julai 2011 (UTC)[balas]

Need your help

[sunting sumber]

Salam sejahtera saudara/i, terlebih dahulu saya mohon jasa baik anda untuk melibatkan diri dalam memilih birokrat di WBM memandangkan situasi semasa di WBM dimana birokrat sedia ada di WBM agak tidak aktif dan memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya seorang untuk dilantik sebagai birokrat bagi memastikan WBM dapat berurusan dengan lebih cekap. Saya harap anda dapat melibatkan diri dengan mengundi saudara Zamwan sebagai birokrat WBM di sini, undian anda amat bermakna bagi kami semua sebagai warga WBM. Terima kasih.

Peace be with you, firstly I beg your good offices to engage in selecting bureaucrats in MSwiki in view of the current situation where bureaucrats that existing in MSwiki relatively inactive and require at least one of the appointed bureaucrats to ensure MSwiki can dealt with more efficiently. I hope you can get involved by voting for his Zamwan as MSwiki bureaucrats here, Your vote is very meaningful for us as MSwiki citizens. Thank you. Aplikasi (bincang) 04:28, 31 Januari 2017 (UTC)[balas]