--[==[ This is the "P" list of portal image names. It contains a list of portal images for use with [[Module:Portal]]
-- for portal names that start with the letter "P". For aliases to existing portal names, and for portal names that
-- start with other letters, please use the appropriate page from the following list:
-- [[Module:Portal/images/a]] - for portal names beginning with "A".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/b]] - for portal names beginning with "B".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/c]] - for portal names beginning with "C".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/d]] - for portal names beginning with "D".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/e]] - for portal names beginning with "E".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/f]] - for portal names beginning with "F".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/g]] - for portal names beginning with "G".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/h]] - for portal names beginning with "H".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/i]] - for portal names beginning with "I".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/j]] - for portal names beginning with "J".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/k]] - for portal names beginning with "K".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/l]] - for portal names beginning with "L".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/m]] - for portal names beginning with "M".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/n]] - for portal names beginning with "N".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/o]] - for portal names beginning with "O".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/q]] - for portal names beginning with "Q".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/r]] - for portal names beginning with "R".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/s]] - for portal names beginning with "S".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/t]] - for portal names beginning with "T".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/u]] - for portal names beginning with "U".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/v]] - for portal names beginning with "V".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/w]] - for portal names beginning with "W".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/x]] - for portal names beginning with "X".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/y]] - for portal names beginning with "Y".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/z]] - for portal names beginning with "Z".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/other]] - for portal names beginning with any other letters. This includes numbers,
-- letters with diacritics, and letters in non-Latin alphabets.
-- [[Module:Portal/images/aliases]] - for adding aliases for existing portal names. Use this page for variations
-- in spelling and diacritics, etc., no matter what letter the portal begins with.
-- When adding entries, please use alphabetical order. The format of the images table entries is as follows:
-- ["portal name"] = "image.svg",
-- The portal name should be the name of your portal, in lower case. For example, the portal name for
-- "Portal:United Kingdom" would be "united kingdom". The image name should be capitalised normally, and the "File:"
-- namespace prefix should be omitted.
return {
["pacific ocean"] = "Pacific Ocean - en IHO.png|link=|alt=map",
["packaging"] = "Can(Easy Open Can).JPG|link=|alt=",
["pahang"] = "Flag of Pahang.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["painting"] = "600-artist-palette.svg|link=|alt=artist's palette",
["pakistan"] = "Flag of Pakistan.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["pakistani cuisine"] = "Punjabi Utensil - Chaba.JPG|link=|alt=",
["palaeontology"] = "Allosaurus Jardin des Plantes.png|link=|alt=icon",
["palau"] = "Flag of Palau.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["paleontology"] = "Allosaurus Jardin des Plantes.png|link=|alt=icon",
["palermo"] = "Flag of Palermo.svg|link=|alt=flag",
["palestin"] = "Flag of Palestine.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["palestinian territories"] = "Flag of Palestine.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["pan-africanism"] = "Flag of the UNIA.svg",
["panama"] = "Flag of Panama.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["pancakes"] = "Pancakes with powdered sugar.jpg|link=|alt=",
["papua new guinea"] = "Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["paraguay"] = "Flag of Paraguay.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["paralympic games"] = "IPC logo (2004).svg|link=|alt=",
["paris"] = "Eiffel tower.svg|link=|alt=",
["parliamentary procedure"] = "Gavel.png|link=|alt=",
["pastries"] = "Postre vector.png|link=|alt=",
["pasta"] = "Pastasciutta.JPG|link=|alt=",
["patna"] = "Golghar, Patna, 1888.jpg|link=|alt=",
["peach"] = "Peach.svg|link=|alt=",
["peaches"] = "Peach.svg|link=|alt=",
["peanut"] = "Cacahuete - Petr Kratochvil.jpg|link=|alt=",
["peanuts"] = "Cacahuete - Petr Kratochvil.jpg|link=|alt=",
["pear"] = "PearPhoto.jpg|link=|alt=",
["pears"] = "PearPhoto.jpg|link=|alt=",
["peer review"] = "PR icon.png|alt=icon",
["peerage and baronetage"] = "General Sir Bernard Montgomery in England, 1943 TR1036.jpg|link=|alt=photo",
["penang"] = "Flag of Penang (Malaysia).svg|border|alt=flag",
["penerbangan"] = "Aviacionavion.png|alt=icon",
["pennsylvania"] = "Flag of Pennsylvania.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["pennsylvania state university"] = "Penn State Athletics wordmark.svg|link=|alt=wordmark",
["penyakit koronavirus 2019"] = "SARS-CoV-2 (Wikimedia colors).svg|alt=virus icon",
["people's republic of china"] = "Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["pepsico"] = "Pepsico logo.png|link=|alt=logo",
["perak"] = "Flag of Perak.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["perancis"] = "Flag of France.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["percussion"] = "Bendir.jpg|alt=icon",
["perlis"] = "Flag of Perlis.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["permainan"] = "P_Games.svg|link=",
["permainan video"] = "P videogame controller.svg|link=",
["perniagaan"] = "Emblem-money.svg|alt=icon",
["pertanian dan agronomi"] = "P agriculture blank.svg|alt=icon",
["perth"] = "Perth COA.jpg|alt=icon",
["peru"] = "Flag of Peru.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["perubatan"] = "WHO Rod.svg|alt=icon",
["pervasive developmental disorders"] = "Autism-stacking-cans 2nd edit.jpg|alt=icon",
["pharmacy and pharmacology"] = "Tabletten.JPG|alt=icon",
["philadelphia"] = "Libertybell alone small.jpg|link=|alt=",
["philately"] = "Stamp UK Penny Red pl148.jpg|link=|alt=",
["philosophers"] = "Ibn rushd.jpg|link=|alt=image",
["philosophy of mind"] = "Phrenology1.jpg|link=|alt=",
["philosophy of science"] = "P philosophy.png|alt=icon",
["photography"] = "Large format camera lens.png|link=|alt=",
["physical chemistry"] = "Nuvola apps edu science.svg|alt=icon",
["physical science"] = "Kepler-first-law.svg|link=|alt=diagram",
["physics"] = "Stylised Lithium Atom.svg|alt=icon",
["piano"] = "Bechstein Schriftzug.jpg|alt=icon",
["pichilemu"] = "Coat of arms of Pichilemu.svg|link=|alt=",
["pies"] = "Cherry-Pie-Slice.jpg|link=|alt=",
["pigs"] = "Pig icon 05.svg|link=|alt=",
["pineapple"] = "Tux Paint pineapple.svg|link=|alt=",
["pineapples"] = "Tux Paint pineapple.svg|link=|alt=",
["pink floyd"] = "Dispersion prism.jpg|link=|alt=",
["pipe organ"] = "Ittenheim StGall32.JPG|alt=icon",
["piracy"] = "Skull and crossbones.svg|link=|alt=",
["pitcairn islands"] = "Flag of the Pitcairn Islands.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["pittsburgh"] = "Pittsburgh city coat of arms.svg|link=|alt=",
["pizza"] = "Emojione 1F355.svg|link=|alt=",
["plants"] = "Rose Amber Flush 20070601.jpg|alt=icon",
["plum"] = "Plum on tree.jpg|link=|alt=",
["plums"] = "Plum on tree.jpg|link=|alt=",
["podcasting"] = "Feed-icon headphones.svg|link=|alt=",
["poetry"] = "Quill and ink.svg|alt=icon",
["pokémon"] = "Wikiball.svg|alt=icon",
["poland"] = "Flag of Poland.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["political science"] = "Plato-raphael.jpg|link=|alt=",
["politik"] = "P ps.png|alt=icon",
["politics and government"] = "President Barack Obama.jpg|link=|alt=photo",
["polyhedra"] = "Small snub icosicosidodecahedron.png|link=|alt=icon",
["polynesia"] = "Polynesia.png|link=|alt=map",
["pollution"] = "Benxi Steel Industries.jpg|link=|alt=photo",
["potato"] = "Noto Emoji Oreo 1f954.svg|link=|alt=",
["potatoes"] = "Noto Emoji Oreo 1f954.svg|link=|alt=",
["poultry"] = "Toicon-icon-hatch-roast.svg|link=|alt=",
["pomerania"] = "Wappen Pommern.svg|link=|alt=",
["pop music"] = "Audio-input-microphone.png|alt=icon",
["pope"] = "Coat of arms Holy See.svg|link=|alt=",
["port of spain"] = "Internationalfinancecentre.JPG|alt=icon",
["portal"] = "PorcheCentralNordCathedraleChartre041130-.jpg|alt=icon",
["portland, oregon"] = "Flag of Portland, Oregon.svg|link=|alt=flag",
["portugal"] = "Flag of Portugal.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["portuguese"] = "Grammatica da Lingoagem portuguesa.JPG|link=Portuguese language|alt=icon",
["poznań"] = "POL Poznań flag.svg|border|alt=flag",
["prague"] = "Prague CoA CZ.svg|link=|alt=",
["prehistoric mammals"] = "Smilodon Knight.jpg|link=|alt=",
["prehistoric technology"] = "Roue primitive.png|link=|alt=",
["prescott-russell"] = "Map of Ontario PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL.svg|link=|alt=",
["pretoria"] = "Flag of Pretoria.svg|link=|alt=flag",
["primates"] = "Man of the woods.JPG|alt=icon",
["prince edward island"] = "Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["prisons"] = "Prisonbars.svg|border|alt=icon",
["private revelation"] = "Tuam Cathedral of the Assumption Sacred Heart Detail 2009 09 14.jpg|alt=icon",
["probability"] = "Nuvola apps atlantik.png|link=|alt=icon",
["professional wrestling"] = "WWE ring.jpg|alt=icon",
["progressive rock"] = "Audio a.svg|link=|alt=",
["prostitution"] = "Bombilla roja - red Edison lamp.svg|link=alt=icon",
["prostitution in the united kingdom"] = "Umbrella-159361.svg|link=|alt=",
["protected areas of india"] = "Nagzira Tiger By Vijay Phulwadhawa.jpg|link=|alt=photo",
["prussia"] = "Flag of Prussia (1892-1918).svg|link=|alt=photo",
["pseudoscience"] = "Question opening-closing.svg|link=|alt=icon",
["psychiatry"] = "American Lady Against The Sky.jpg|alt=icon",
["psychology"] = "Psi2.svg|link=|alt=",
["puducherry"] = "Seal of Puducherry (cropped).svg|link=|alt=",
["puebla"] = "Flag of Puebla.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["puerto rico"] = "Flag of Puerto Rico.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["pune"] = "Dagaduseth halwai ganpati temple.jpg|link=|alt=photo",
["punjab"] = "Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib) in Amritsar, India.jpg|border|link=|alt=image",
["punjab, india"] = "Emblem-Punjab-Protocol-Manual-page98-appendix12.svg|link=|alt=icon",
["punjab, pakistan"] = "Flag of Punjab.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["punk rock"] = "Crystal Clear app kguitar.png|alt=icon",
["python programming"] = "Python-logo-notext.svg|link=|alt=",
["pyrotechnics"] = "D-W002 Warnung vor explosionsgefaehrlichen Stoffen ty.svg|link=|alt="