--[==[ This is the "A" list of portal image names. It contains a list of portal images for use with [[Module:Portal]]
-- for portal names that start with the letter "A". For aliases to existing portal names, and for portal names that
-- start with other letters, please use the appropriate page from the following list:
-- [[Module:Portal/images/b]] - for portal names beginning with "B".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/c]] - for portal names beginning with "C".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/d]] - for portal names beginning with "D".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/e]] - for portal names beginning with "E".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/f]] - for portal names beginning with "F".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/g]] - for portal names beginning with "G".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/h]] - for portal names beginning with "H".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/i]] - for portal names beginning with "I".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/j]] - for portal names beginning with "J".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/k]] - for portal names beginning with "K".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/l]] - for portal names beginning with "L".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/m]] - for portal names beginning with "M".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/n]] - for portal names beginning with "N".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/o]] - for portal names beginning with "O".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/p]] - for portal names beginning with "P".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/q]] - for portal names beginning with "Q".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/r]] - for portal names beginning with "R".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/s]] - for portal names beginning with "S".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/t]] - for portal names beginning with "T".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/u]] - for portal names beginning with "U".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/v]] - for portal names beginning with "V".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/w]] - for portal names beginning with "W".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/x]] - for portal names beginning with "X".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/y]] - for portal names beginning with "Y".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/z]] - for portal names beginning with "Z".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/other]] - for portal names beginning with any other letters. This includes numbers,
-- letters with diacritics, and letters in non-Latin alphabets.
-- [[Module:Portal/images/aliases]] - for adding aliases for existing portal names. Use this page for variations
-- in spelling and diacritics, etc., no matter what letter the portal begins with.
-- When adding entries, please use alphabetical order. The format of the images table entries is as follows:
-- ["portal name"] = "image.svg",
-- The portal name should be the name of your portal, in lower case. For example, the portal name for
-- "Portal:United Kingdom" would be "united kingdom". The image name should be capitalised normally, and the "File:"
-- namespace prefix should be
-- omitted.
return {
["a. r. rahman"] = "A R Rahman NH7 BLR 2015 1.jpg|alt=icon",
["a-league"] = "Soccer ball.svg|alt=icon",
["abkhazia"] = "Flag of Abkhazia.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["aboriginal peoples in canada"] = "Aboriginal War Veterans monument (close).JPG|alt=icon",
["abu dhabi"] = "Flag of Abu Dhabi.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["academy award"] = "Video-x-generic.svg|link=|alt=",
["acadia"] = "Flag of Acadia.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["acc"] = "ACC Map crop 2014.png|alt=icon",
["ac/dc"] = "Acdc logo band.svg|link=|alt=",
["adelaide"] = "Escudo de Adelaida.png|alt=icon",
["aerosmith"] = "Joe Perry 1.jpg|alt=icon",
["aesthetics"] = "Morning Glory Flower square.jpg|alt=icon",
["afghanistan"] = "Flag of the Taliban.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["african american"] = "AmericaAfrica.svg|alt=icon",
["african diaspora"] = "Moromi.png|link=|alt=map",
["afrika"] = "Africa (orthographic projection).svg|alt=icon",
["afrika selatan"] = "Flag of South Africa.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["agama"] = "P religion world violet.png|alt=icon",
["agriculture and agronomy"] = "Veranotrigo.jpg|alt=icon",
["agropedia"] = "Farmer plowing in Fahrenwalde, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.jpg|alt=icon",
["ahmadiyya"] = "White Minaret Symbol.png|alt=icon",
["ahmedabad"] = "Mosque of Sidi Sayed Jaali.JPG|alt=icon",
["ai"] = "ArtificialFictionBrain.png|alt=icon",
["air"] = "Drinking water.jpg|alt=icon",
["ajman"] = "Flag of Ajman.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["akb48"] = "AKB48 logo2.svg|link=|alt=",
["alabama"] = "Flag of Alabama.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["alaska"] = "Flag of Alaska.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["albania"] = "Flag of Albania.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["alberta"] = "Flag of Alberta.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["algebra"] = "Arithmetic symbols.svg|link=|alt=",
["algeria"] = "Flag of Algeria.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["alphabet"] = " Favicon.png|link=|alt=",
["alternative medicine"] = "Rod of Asclepius2.svg|alt=icon",
["alternative rock"] = "Guitar 1.svg|link=|alt=",
["american civil war"] = "Acw bs 7a.png|border|link=|alt=",
["american football"] = "Wilsonnflfootball.png|alt=icon",
["american revolutionary war"] = "Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze, MMA-NYC, 1851.jpg|border|link=|alt=",
["american samoa"] = "Flag of American Samoa.svg|alt=icon",
["amerika latin"] = "Latin America (orthographic projection).svg|alt=icon",
["amerika selatan"] = "South America (orthographic projection).svg|alt=icon",
["amerika syarikat"] = "Flag of the United States.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["amerika utara"] = "Location North America.svg|alt=icon",
["amiga"] = "Boingball.png|link=|alt=",
["amphibians and reptiles"] = "Lizardicon.svg|link=|alt=",
["amsterdam"] = "Flag of Amsterdam.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["amusement parks"] = "Roller Coaster Icon.svg|link=|alt=",
["anabaptism"] = "Dirk.willems.rescue.ncs.jpg|link=|alt=",
["analysis"] = "Nuvola apps kmplot.svg|alt=icon",
["analytical chemistry"] = "Nuvola apps edu science.svg|alt=icon",
["anarchism"] = "BlackFlagSymbol.svg|alt=icon",
["anatomy"] = "Anatomy posture and body mechanics 08.web.jpg|alt=icon",
["ancient egypt"] = "Pyramidi aavikolla.png|link=|alt=",
["ancient germanic culture"] = "Mjollnir icon.png|link=|alt=",
["ancient greece"] = "Parthenon from west.jpg|link=|alt=",
["ancient japan"] = "Mountfujijapan.jpg|link=|alt=",
["ancient near east"] = "Babylonlion.JPG|link=|alt=",
["ancient rome"] = "SPQRomani.svg|link=|alt=",
["andorra"] = "Flag of Andorra.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["andhra pradesh"] = "Archbridgegodavari.JPG|alt=icon",
["anglicanism"] = "Canterbury cathedral.jpg|link=|alt=",
["anglo-saxon england"] = "Peterborough Chronicle cropped.jpg|link=|alt=",
["angola"] = "Flag of Angola.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["anguilla"] = "Flag of Anguilla.svg|alt=icon",
["a nightmare on elm street"] = "Nightmare Portal.gif|alt=icon",
["animal rights"] = "Paw (Animal Rights symbol).svg|alt=icon",
["animals"] = "Caribou from Wagon Trails.jpg|alt=icon",
["animation"] = "Animation disc.svg|alt=icon",
["animation/canadian animation work group"] = "Animation disc Maple Leaf.svg|alt=icon",
["anime dan manga"] = "Anime P icon.png|alt=icon",
["antartika"] = "Antarctica (orthographic projection).svg|alt=icon",
["antigua dan barbuda"] = "Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.jpg|alt=icon",
["anthropology"] = "Moai Easter Island InvMH-35-61-1.jpg|link=|alt=",
["apple inc."] = "Apple logo black.svg|link=|alt=",
["aquarium fish"] = "Pterois antennata-3.jpg|link=|alt=",
["arab saudi"] = "Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg|border|link=|alt=flag",
["arab–israeli conflict"] = "Flickr - Israel Defense Forces - IDF Forces in Staging Areas Around Gaza Strip (1).jpg|alt=icon",
["arabic"] = "Arabic-dad-letter.svg|link=Arabic language|alt=icon",
["archaeology"] = "Stonehenge Closeup.jpg|link=|alt=",
["arctic"] = "Ibca gebco comp cover.jpg|link=|alt=",
["argentina"] = "Flag of Argentina.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["arizona"] = "Flag of Arizona.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["arkansas"] = "Flag of Arkansas.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["armenia"] = "Flag of Armenia.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["arminianism"] = "Arminius 5 flopped and cropped.png|link=|alt=",
["art"] = "Ballerina-icon.jpg|alt=icon",
["arthropods"] = "Cercophonius squama.jpg|alt=icon",
["artificial intelligence"] = "Animation2.gif|alt=icon",
["aruba"] = "Flag of Aruba.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["asia"] = "Asia (orthographic projection).svg|alt=icon",
["asian americans"] = "1 chinatown san francisco arch gateway.JPG|alt=icon",
["asian games"] = "Asian Games logo01.png|link=|alt=",
["assam"] = "Seal of Assam.png|link=|alt=",
["association football"] = "Soccer ball.svg|alt=icon",
["assyrians"] = "Flag of Assyria.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["astrobiology"] = "PIA01130 Interior of Europa.jpg|link=|alt=",
["astrology"] = "Astrologia-tynkä.jpg|link=|alt=",
["astronomi"] = "Q_space.svg|link=|alt=",
["atheism"] = "Atheism template.svg|alt=icon",
["athletics"] = "Athletics pictogram.svg|link=|alt=",
["atlanta"] = "AtlantaPhoenix.jpg|alt=icon",
["atlas"] = "World map green.png|alt=icon",
["atmosphere"] = "Jupiter 3rd spot.jpg|link=|alt=",
["atmospheric sciences"] = "Double-alaskan-rainbow.jpg|alt=icon",
["austin"] = "Sixth Street Austin.jpg|alt=icon",
["australia"] = "Flag of Australia.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["australian capital territory"] = "Flag of the Australian Capital Territory.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["australian roads"] = "Australia road sign W5-29.svg|alt=icon",
["australian rules football"] = "Sherrin-transparent.png|link=|alt=",
["austria"] = "Flag of Austria.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["austria-hungary"] = "Wappen Österreich-Ungarn 1916 (Klein).png|link=|alt=",
["automobiles"] = "Sportcar sergio luiz ara 01.svg|link=|alt=",
["aviation"] = "Aviacionavion.png|link=|alt=",
["avril lavigne"] = "LetGo.jpg|alt=icon",
["ayyavazhi"] = "Ayyavazh logo transperent.png|alt=icon",
["azad kashmir"] = "Flag of Azad Kashmir.svg|border|link=|alt=",
["azerbaijan"] = "Flag of Azerbaijan.svg|border|link=|alt="