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Pengguna dengan 21 suntingan. Akaun dibuat pada 29 Julai 2012.
22 Ogos 2014
- 06:1706:17, 22 Ogos 2014 beza sjrh 0 k Nassau, Bahamas (Script) Duplicate: File:Badge of New Providence.gif → File:Badge of New Providence.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Badge of New Providence.png
17 Ogos 2014
- 17:5617:56, 17 Ogos 2014 beza sjrh 0 k Gempa bumi Kepulauan Obi April 2010 (Script) Duplicate: File:April 2010 Kepulauan Obi earthquake.gif → File:April 2010 Kepulauan Obi earthquake.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:April 2010 Kepulauan Obi earthquake.png
25 Jun 2014
- 19:0319:03, 25 Jun 2014 beza sjrh +19 k Kelompok berfungsi (Script) File:Aldehyde-skeletal.png → File:Skeletal formula of a aldehyde group.svg svg avail
1 Mac 2014
- 23:5523:55, 1 Mac 2014 beza sjrh 0 k Genetik (Script) Duplicate: File:Sky spectral karyotype.gif → File:Sky spectral karyotype.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Sky spectral karyotype.png
17 Januari 2014
- 23:1523:15, 17 Januari 2014 beza sjrh −16 k Mesin basuh (Script) Duplicate: File:Rhof-histWaschmaschine 208x160 100kbit.ogg → File:Rhof-histWaschmaschine.ogg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Rhof-histWaschmaschine.ogg
12 Disember 2013
- 11:3211:32, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh 0 k Soyuz TMA-11 (Script) Duplicate: File:Soyuz TMA-11 Patch.gif → File:Soyuz TMA-11 Patch.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Soyuz TMA-11 Patch.png
- 11:2711:27, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh +11 k Kepulauan Virgin Amerika Syarikat (Script) File:Seal of the US Virgin Islands.gif → File:Seal of the United States Virgin Islands.png exact duplicate
- 11:2011:20, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh +34 k Perjanjian Rangka Kerja mengenai Bangsamoro (Script) File:Pi milf.gif → File:Flag of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.png
- 11:2011:20, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh +34 k Barisan Pembebasan Islam Moro (Script) File:Pi milf.gif → File:Flag of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.png
- 11:0311:03, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh 0 k Perisytiharan Hak Asasi Manusia Sejagat (Script) File:EleanorRooseveltHumanRights.gif → File:EleanorRooseveltHumanRights.png exact duplicate
- 10:3010:30, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh 0 k Zachary Taylor (Script) Duplicate: File:Zachary Taylor signature.gif → File:Zachary Taylor signature.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Zachary Taylor signature.png
- 09:4709:47, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh 0 k Millard Fillmore (Script) Duplicate: File:Millard Fillmore signature.gif → File:Millard Fillmore signature.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Millard Fillmore signature.png
- 09:3009:30, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh 0 k John Quincy Adams (Script) Duplicate: File:John Quincy Adams signature.gif → File:John Quincy Adams signature.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:John Quincy Adams signature.png
- 09:3009:30, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh 0 k John F. Kennedy (Script) Duplicate: File:John F. Kennedy signature.gif → File:John F. Kennedy signature.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:John F. Kennedy signature.png
- 09:2909:29, 12 Disember 2013 beza sjrh 0 k John Adams (Script) Duplicate: File:John Adams signature.gif → File:John Adams signature.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:John Adams signature.png
11 Disember 2013
- 22:5122:51, 11 Disember 2013 beza sjrh 0 k Franklin Pierce (Script) Duplicate: File:Franklin Pierce signature.gif → File:Franklin Pierce signature.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Franklin Pierce signature.png
13 Oktober 2013
- 15:1415:14, 13 Oktober 2013 beza sjrh +4 k Curaçao File:Curacao Coat of Arms.png → File:Coat of arms of Curaçao.svg PNG file lacks permission
12 Oktober 2013
- 15:3315:33, 12 Oktober 2013 beza sjrh 0 k Kepulauan Faroe File:Coat-of-arms of the Faroe Islands.png → File:Coat of arms of the Faroe Islands.svg PNG file is about to get deleted. Replacing by aequivalent SVG file.
10 September 2013
- 17:0117:01, 10 September 2013 beza sjrh 0 k Kasimov Duplicate: File:Kasimov coa.gif → File:Kasimov coa.png Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Kasimov coa.png
14 Disember 2012
- 19:5819:58, 14 Disember 2012 beza sjrh 0 k Zhengzhou File renamed: File:Zhengzhoucity.png → File:Zhengzhoucity.jpg