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Khairuddin Mohamed Yusof

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Professor Emeritus Dato’ Paduka Dr. Khairuddin bin Mohamed Yusof (lahir 30 Julai 1939 di Perak) adalah seorang Professor Emeritus dari Universiti Malaya. Professor Dr. Khairuddin mendapat kehormatan Emeritus dari Universiti Malaya pada tahun 2004 dan anugerah Darjah Dato` Paduka Cura Simanja Kini (DPCM) yang membawa gelaran "Dato’ Paduka" daripada Sultan Perak pada tahun 1998.

Karier di Universiti Malaya

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Professor Dr. Khairuddin adalah seorang yang amat dihormati dan dikenali di dalam bidang perubatan dan pendidikan, berkhidmat di Universiti Malaya dari tahun 1972 - 1997. Beliau memulakan karier di Universiti Malaya sebagai pensyarah, dan seterusnya dilantik sebagai dekan Fakulti Perubatan pada tahun 1986. Sepanjang perkhidmatan beliau di universiti ini, beliau juga pernah menjawat jawatan sebagai Timbalan Naib Canselor (Finance and Development) dari tahun 1986 hingga 1989 dan juga sebagai Merangkap Naib Canselor. Beliau merupakan bekas Ketua Jabatan Obstetrik dan Ginekologi di Universiti Hospital and pada masa yang sama juga sebagai Professor di Universiti Malaya di dalam bidang Obstetrik Sosial dan Ginekologi.


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Beliau mendapat kelulusan ijazah MBBS dari Universiti Sydney pada tahun 1964. Beliau menjadi ahli Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sydney, pada tahun 1972. Pada 1984, beliau menerima anugerah Fellowship dari Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ( United Kingdom ) dan juga dari Institute and College of Surgeons (United Kingdom).


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Beliau amat aktif menyumbangkan tenaga beliau kepada perkhidmatan masyarakat, dalam pada masa yang sama sebagai pakar perunding bagi pihak Kerajaan Malaysia dan organisasi antarabangsa seperti Bank Dunia, UNICEF, Perbadanan Rand, Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health dan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia. Selain itu, beliau juga terlibat secara aktif sebagai perunding kepada SIRIM di dalam bidang Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence) dan telah menerbitkan banyak buku – buku teks dan kertas kerja akademik.

Beliau ketika ini memegang jawatan sebagai Pengarah Telemedicine Malaysia (World Care Health, Malaysia) dan baru saja bersara dari jawatan Penasihat Akademik di Kolej Perubatan Diraja Perak.

Terbitan - terbitan kajian bersama pensyarah dan professor dari Universiti Malaya[1]

  • Khairuddin Yusof, Saroja Batumalai, Wong Yut Lin, & Jonathan Okamura, "The ABCs of Community Participation in Primary Health Care", Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 1989.
  • Khairuddin Yusof, WY Low, SN Zulkifli, & YL Wong (eds)," Issues and Challenges of Public Health in the 21st Century", Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur. 1996.
  • WY Low, SN Zulkifli, K Yusof, & YL Wong, "Dawn of a New Millennium: Future of Public Health Issues in Malaysia", 1996.
  • Low W. Y., Ooi G. L & Yusof K, "Community-based use of IQ Test with Sang Kancil pre-school children", Malaysian Journal Reproductive Health 4(2) : 97 - 103, 1986.
  • Zulkifli S. N., Low W. Y., Yusof K, "Measures towards better living conditions among the urban poor". In the Collection of papers presented at the Seminar on population and the quality of life in Malaysia, Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics, Kuala Lumpur, 1987.
  • Low W. Y., Yusof K., "Aging and it's problems." The Family Practitioner , 10(1) , April 1987.
  • Yusof K, Low W.Y, Ooi G.L, "Sang Kancil primary health care services. An evaluation of pre-school component". Jernal Pendidikan , 11(11) : 30-40,1987.
  • Low W. Y, Yusof K, "Drug addiction - current trend", Malaysian Medical Journal , 43(1) : 34-39, 1988.
  • Low W. Y., Zulkifli S. N. & Yusof K., "Adolescent sexuality in Kuala Lumpur city",In : Data Analysis For Sample Surveys (2). National Population And Family Development Board, Kuala Lumpur, 1988.
  • Low Wah Yun & Khairuddin Yusof, "Child abuse and neglect." Proceedings of the Second Asian Regional Conference On Child Abuse and Neglect. Bangkok, Thailand, Ogos 1988.
  • Zulkifli S. N., Low W. Y. & Yusof K., "Urban living: A review of physical and social indicators". Ilmu Masyarakat (Malaysian Social Science Association Publication) Jan 1989 - Jun 1989, 14, 53-68, 1989.
  • Low Wah Yun & Khairuddin Yusof "Reproductive Research Priorities To Meet National Needs. II. Sociological Research.", Proceeding Of The Workshop On The Formulation Of Strategies For Self-Reliance in Reproductive Research. National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia, Januari 1989.
  • Zulkifli S. N., Low W. Y. & Yusof K. "Interventions for better living conditions among the urban poor." Malaysian Society of Health Journal , 1989, 7 (1) : 37-43.
  • Low Wah Yun, Siti Norazah Zulkifli & Khairuddin Yusof. "Adolescent sexuality in Kuala Lumpur city." Occasional Paper. Population Studies Unit. University Malaya, 1989.
  • Low Wah Yun & Khairuddin Yusof, "Services for urban poor families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : A case study". Child Welfare, LXX (2) : 293-302, 1991.
  • W.Y. Low, S.N. Zulkifli & K. Yusof. "Knowledge and attitudes of malaysian adolescents towards family planning", Singapore Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology , 25 (3) : 279-288 1994.
  • K. Yusof, S.N. Zulkifli, S. Batumalai, K.W. Aye & W.Y. Low. Report on "Knowledge, Attitudes And Perceptions Related To Drug Abuse In Peninsula Malaysia With Additional Focus On Parents And Adolescents", Social Obstetrics & Gynaecology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, April 1994.
  • Zulkifli S.N., Yusof K., Low W.Y., "Maternal and child health in urban Sabah, Malaysia: A comparison of Citizens and migrants." Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , 1994 : 7(3): 151-8.
  • Zulkifli S.N., W.Y. Low & Yusof K., "Sexual activities of malaysian adolescents", Medical Journal of Malaysia , 50 (1) : 4-10, 1995.
  • K. Yusof & W.Y. Low, "Health self-sustaining communities squatters". In : A. Awang, M. Salim & J. F. Halldane (eds.), Towards a Sustainable Urban Environment In Southeast Asia, Urban Habitat and Highrise Mongraph SEACEUM 2, Johore : Institute Sultan Iskandar of Urban Habitat and Highrise, University Technology Malaysia, 1995.
  • Khairuddin Yusof & Low Wah Yun, “Disaster Preparedness”. In the Proceedings of the First National Public Health Conference, Ministry of Health, Kuala Lumpur, 1995.
  • Zulklifli S.N., Low W.Y. & Yusof K., "Public Health In Malaysia". In : Hurrelmann K. & Laaser U. (eds.). International Handbook on Public Health. Westport : Greenwood Press, 1996.
  • W.Y. Low, S.N. Zulkifli, K. Yusof, S. Batumalai & W. A. Khin, "Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions related to drug abuse in Peninsula Malaysia: A survey report", Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health , 8 (2) : 123-129, 1996.
  • W.Y. Low & K. Yusof, "School health promotion for school-aged children in Malaysia". In : A. Shoebridge (ed.) Proceedings on the Conference on Health Promotion for School-aged Children In The Asia-Pacific Region, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Mei 1995.
  • W.Y. Low, S.N. Zulkifli, K. Yusof, S. Batumalai & K.W. Aye, "The drug abuse problem in Peninsular Malaysia : Parent and teen differences in knowledge, attitudes and perceptions", Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 42 : 105-115, 1996
  • W.Y. Low, S.N. Zulkifli, Y.L. Wong & K. Yusof, "Dawn Of A New Millennium : Future of Public Health Issues In Malaysia". In: K. Yusof, W.Y. Low, S.N. Zulkifli & Y.L. Wong (eds.) Issues And Challenges Of Public Health In The 21st Century. Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya Press, 1996.
  • K. Yusof & W.Y. Low, "Development, Environment and Health". In : Kwai Sim Low (ed.) Proceedings on Control of Water Pollution Caused by Mining Activities In Southeast Asia. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 25-26 Oktober 1995. 1996.
  • W.Y. Low., Y.L. Wong & K. Yusof, “Socio-medical aspects of transexualism in Kuala Lumpur”, Singapore Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , 28 (2) : 64-69, 1997.
  • S.N. Zulkifli, W.Y. Low & K. Yusof, "The role of schools of public health on maternal and child health programmes in the Asia-Pacific region", Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health , 10 (1) : 10-16, 1998.
  • Wah Yun Low, Siti Norazah Zulkifli and Khairuddin Yusof “Urban Health in Kuala Lumpur.” In : Rais Akhtar (ed.) Urban Health in The Third World. New Delhi : A.P.H. Publishing Corp.
  • SN Zulkifli, MU Khin, K Yusof, & YL Wong, “Maternal and Child Health in Urban Sabah, Malaysia: A Comparison of Citizens and Migrants”, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , Vol. 7, no. 3 , 1994, mukasurat 151-158.
  • WY Low, YL Wong, & K Yusof, “Socio-medical aspects of transsexualism in Kuala Lumpur”, Singapore Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , Vol. 28, nos. 2-3 , July-November 1997, mukasurat 64-69.

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