Ayuba Suleiman Diallo

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo (1701–1773), juga dikenali sebagai Job ben Solomon, adalah seorang hamba abdi beragama Islam yang menjadi mangsa perdagangan hamba Atlantik. Dilahirkan di Bundu, Senegal Afrika Barat, memoir Ayuba diterbitkan sebagai salah satu kisah hamba terawal, iaitu, laporan individu pertama mengenai perdagangan hamba, dalam tulisan Thomas Bluett yang berjudul Some Memories of the Life of Job, the Son of the Solomon High Priest of Boonda in Africa; Who was a Slave about two Years in Maryland; and afterwards being brought to England, was set free, and sent to his native Land in the Year 1734.
Beliau berasal dari sebuah keluarga pemimpin keagamaan Islam puak Fula; datuknya telah mengasaskan bandar Bondu, dan beliau membesar bersama Sambo pewaris takhta Kerajaan Futa Tooro. Pada tahun 1730, ketika dalam perjalanan ke Sungai Gambia untuk menjual dua orang hamba dan membeli bekalan seperti kertas, Ayuba dikepung oleh sekumpulan orang Manding.[1]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Turner, Richard Brent (2003). Islam in the African-American Experience. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. m/s. 25–26.
- Painter, N. Creating Black Americans: African-American History and its Meanings, 1619 to Present, Oxford, 2005. ISBN 978-0-19-513755-2
- Bluett, Thomas. Some Memories of the Life of Job, the Son of the Solomon High Priest of Boonda in Africa; Who was a Slave about two Years in Maryland; and afterwards being brought to England, was set free, and sent to his native Land in the Year 1734. London: Richard Ford, 1734.
- Grant, Douglas. The Fortunate Slave: An Illustration of African Slavery in the Early Eighteenth Century. London: Oxford University Press, 1968.
- Judy, Ronald A.T. (Dis)Forming the American Canon: African-Arabic Slave Narratives and the Vernacular. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.