Antioquia Timur

Timur Antioquia (Sepanyol: Oriente Antioqueño) merupakan subwilayah Colombia Jabatan Antioquia.
Kawasan perbandaran
[sunting | sunting sumber]The region is covered by 23 municipalities being Guarne the closest to the city of Medellín located some 24 km away. The largest municipality of this region is Sonsón with a total area of 1,323 km² and the smallest one being the municipality of Argelia.
- Abejorral
- Alejandría
- Argelia
- Carmen de Viboral
- Cocorná
- Concepción
- Granada
- Guarne
- Guatape
- La Ceja
- La Unión
- Marinilla
- Nariño
- Peñol
- Retiro
- Rionegro
- San Carlos
- San Francisco
- San Luis
- San Rafael
- San Vicente
- Santuario
- Sonsón
[sunting | sunting sumber]Pautan luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Oriente Virtual: Comunidad del Oriente Antioqueño Diarkibkan 2002-12-12 di Wayback Machine (Sepanyol)
- Corporación Empresarial del Oriente Antioqueño (Sepanyol)
- Incubadora de Empresas del Oriente Antioqueño Diarkibkan 2007-05-04 di Wayback Machine (Sepanyol)
- Agencia para el Desarrollo Económico del Oriente Antioqueño Diarkibkan 2007-06-11 di Wayback Machine (Sepanyol)
Templat:Department of Antioquia