Anti-fasisme ialah penentangan terhadap ideologi fasis, kumpulan dan individu. Gerakan anti-fasis bermula di beberapa negara Eropah pada tahun 1920-an, dan akhirnya merebak ke negara-negara lain di seluruh dunia. Ianya paling penting sebelum dan semasa Perang Dunia II, iaitu apabila Kuasa Paksi ditentang oleh banyak negara yang membentuk Sekutu Perang Dunia II dan puluhan gerakan perlawanan di seluruh dunia. Anti-fasisme telah menjadi unsur gerakan yang memegang banyak kedudukan politik yang berbeza, termasuk demokrasi sosial, nasionalisme, liberalisme, konservatisme, komunisme, Marxisme, kapitalisme, anarkisme, sosialisme dan sentrisme.[1][2][3]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Hobsbawm, Eric (1992). The Age of Extremes. Vintage. m/s. 136–37. ISBN 978-0394585758.
- ^ Diner, Dan; Gundermann, Christian (1996). "On the Ideology of Antifascism". New German Critique (67): 123–132. doi:10.2307/827781. ISSN 0094-033X.
- ^ Rabinbach, Anson (1996). "Introduction: Legacies of Antifascism". New German Critique (67): 3–17. doi:10.2307/827774. ISSN 0094-033X.
Bacaan lanjut
[sunting | sunting sumber]- David Berry "‘Fascism or Revolution!’ Anarchism and Antifascism in France, 1933–39" Contemporary European History Volume 8, Issue 1 March 1999, pp. 51–71
- Birchall, Sean, penyunting (2013). Beating The Fascists: The Untold Story of Anti-Fascist Action. ISBN 978-1-904491-12-5.
- Brasken, Kasper. "Making Anti-Fascism Transnational: The Origins of Communist and Socialist Articulations of Resistance in Europe, 1923–1924." Contemporary European History 25.4 (2016): 573–596.
- Bray, Mark (2017). Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook. New York: Melville House. ISBN 978-1612197036. OCLC 1016082358.
- Bullstreet, K. (2001). Bash the Fash: Anti-Fascist Recollections 1984–1993. ISBN 978-1-873605-87-5.
- Class War/3WayFight/Kate Sharpley Library Interview from Beating Fascism: Anarchist Anti-Fascism in Theory and Practice,
- Copsey, N. (2011) ."From direct action to community action: The changing dynamics of anti-fascist opposition", in Copsey, N. and Macklin, G. D. (eds) British National Party: Contemporary perspectives. Routledge Templat:ISBN?
- Nigel Copsey & Andrzej Olechnowicz (eds.), Varieties of Anti-fascism. Britain in the Inter-war Period, Palgrave Macmillan
- Gilles Dauvé "Fascism/Antifascism",
- David Featherstone "Black Internationalism, Subaltern Cosmopolitanism, and the Spatial Politics of Antifascism" Annals of the Association of American Geographers Volume 103, 2013, Issue 6, pp. 1406–1420
- Joseph Fronczak "Local People’s Global Politics: A Transnational History of the Hands Off Ethiopia Movement of 1935 Diplomatic History, Volume 39, Issue 2, 1 April 2015, pp. 245–274
- Hugo Garcia, ed, Transnational Anti-Fascism: Agents, Networks, Circulations Contemporary European History Volume 25, Issue 4 November 2016, pp. 563–572
- Key, Anna, penyunting (2005). Beating Fascism: Anarchist anti-fascism in theory and practice. ISBN 978-1-873605-88-2.
- Renton, Dave. Fascism, Anti-fascism and Britain in the 1940s. Springer, 2016.
- Enzo Traverso "Intellectuals and Anti-Fascism: For a Critical Historization" New Politics, vol. 9, no. 4 (new series), whole no. 36, Winter 2004
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