Musa bin Nusair
(Dilencongkan daripada Musa ibn Nusayr)
Musa bin Nusair atau Musa ben Nusair atau Musa Ibn Nusayr (Arab: موسى بن نصير; 640—716) adalah seorang Azdi berasal dari Assir barat daya Arab Saudi yang berkhidmat sebagai seorang gabenor dan jeneral di bawah pemerintahan Khalifah Umaiyyah Al-Walid I. Beliau memerintah di wilayah Islam di Afrika Utara (Ifriqiya), dan orang yang bertanggungjawab mengarahkan penaklukkan kerajaan Visigoth di Hispania.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Ibn Abd al-Hakam, Kitab Futuh Misr wa'l Maghrib wa'l Andalus. English translation by Torrey of portion of this 9th century work covering the period: "The Muhammedan Conquest of Egypt and North Africa in the Years 643-705 A.D., translated from the Original Arabic of Ibn 'Abd-el Hakem'", Biblical and Semitic Studies vol. 1 (1901), 279-330 (covers North Africa only, not Spain). An online copy of an older and less reliable (19th-century) translation of the portion dealing only with Spain is at: Medieval Sourcebook: The Islamic Conquest of Spain
- al-Baladhuri, Kitab Futuh al-Buldan, translated by Phillip Hitti in The Origins of the Islamic State (1916, 1924).
- A. Benabbès: "Les premiers raids arabes en Numidie Byzantine: questions toponymiques." In Identités et Cultures dans l'Algérie Antique, University of Rouen, 2005 (ISBN 2-87775-391-3)
- David Levering Lewis God's Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe 570-1215
Didahului oleh Hassan ibn al-Nu'man al-Ghassani |
Gabenor Ifriqiya 703–715 |
Diikuti oleh: Muhammad ibn Yazid |
Didahului oleh Tariq ibn Ziyad |
Gabenor Al-Andalus 712–714 |
Diikuti oleh: Abd al-Aziz ibn Musa |