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Plate 89 (face pg. 154) from C.Hose / W.McDougall (1912): The Pagan Tribes of Borneo.
Identifier: pagantribesofbor01hose (find matches)
Title: The pagan tribes of Borneo; a description of their physical, moral and intellectual condition, with some discussion of their ethnic relations
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Hose, Charles, 1863-1929 McDougall, William, 1871-1938 Haddon, Alfred C. (Alfred Cort), 1855-1940
Subjects: Ethnology Anthropometry
Publisher: London : Macmillan and co., limited
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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es a branch bearing a nest.The taking of the nests is usually accomplishedafter nightfall. A man ascends the ladder carryingin one hand a burning torch of bark, which givesoff a pungent smoke, and on his back a large hollowcone of bark. Straddling out along the bough, hehangs his cone of bark beneath the nest, smokesout the bees, and cuts away the nest from thebough with his sword, so that it falls into the coneof bark. Then, choosing a piece of comb containinggrubs, he munches it with gusto, describing fromhis position of advantage to his envious friends thedelicious quality of the grubs. After thus gatheringtwo or three nests he lets down the cone with acord to his eagerly expectant comrades, who thenfeast upon the remaining grubs and squeeze outthe honey into jars. The tree having been clearedof nests in this way, the wax is melted in an ironpot and moulded in balls. The honey is eatenin the houses; the wax is sold to the Chinesetraders at about a shilling a pound. JL: ^r4 9if* 1 ^
Text Appearing After Image:
ILATE 89. KLEMANTANS MAKING FIRE IN THE JUNGLE BY SAWINGONE PIECE OF BAMBOO ACROSS ANOTHER. LIFE IN THE JUNGLE 155 Vegetable tallow is procured from the seedsof the engkabong tree (Skorea). The seeds arecrushed and the tallow melted out and gatheredin bamboos. It is used as a food, generallysmeared on hot rice. It is sometimes a principalfeature of the Punans diet for considerable periods. Wild sago is abundant and is much used byPunans, and occasionally by most of the otherpeoples when their supply oi padi is short. Thesago tree is cut down and its stem is split intoseveral pieces with wedges. The pith is knockedout with a bamboo mallet. The sago is preparedfrom the pith by the women, who stamp iton coarse mats, pouring water upon it. Thefine grains of sago are carried through on to atrough below. It is then washed and boiled inwater, when it forms a viscid mass; this is eatenwith a spoon or with a strip of bamboo bent double,the two ends of which are turned round in thesago and with

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