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Fail:Sir Benjamin Stone's pictures; records of national life and history reproduced from the collection of photographs made by Sir Benjamin Stone, M.P (1906) (14592056410).jpg

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English: Raja Chulan (left) accompanying Sultan Idris Shah I of Perak (right) in London at the Houses of Parliament, 1906.

Identifier: sirbenjaminstone02ston (find matches)
Title: Sir Benjamin Stone's pictures; records of national life and history reproduced from the collection of photographs made by Sir Benjamin Stone, M.P
Year: 1906 (1900s)
Authors: Stone, John Benjamin, Sir, 1838-1914 MacDonagh, Michael, 1862-1946
Subjects: Great Britain. Parliament Statesmen
Publisher: London : Cassell
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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Text Appearing Before Image:
^ THE SULTAN OF PERAK. Coloured potentates and piinces who come to Londonnever fail to visit the Houses of Parliament. Sometimesthey are to be seen in all the bai-baric splendour of nativecostume, sometimes in the full fashionable rig of Picca-dilly, and occasionally with a droll, fantastic blending ofthe East and the West in their attire. The Sultan of Perak, who came accomjianied by anIndian prince, Raja Chulan, is the ruler of a native Statein the Malay Peninsula, under the jjrotection of theBritish Government. Not long ago it was a savagelaud, in the depths of whose primeval fore.sts the nativetribes pillaged and slaughtered each otlier. Now lifeand property are absolutely safe tliere, and the Sultansits securely on his Throne. Short and frail in .stature, of light brown complexion,with the flat features and high cheek bones of the Mon-golian races, his mild and contemplative expressionsuggests the religious ascetic rather than the waniorruler of a primitive and warlike people. 36
Text Appearing After Image:
The Right Hon,J. S. SANDARS. In one of Hogarths ironic pictures we see an inmateof a debtors prison occupying himself with j)lans forthe payment of the National Debt. The halls andcorridors and lobbies of Whitehall and Westminster arehaunted by hapless people, the wrecks of life, eager totransfer to their own shoulders some of the heaviestresponsibilities of our statesmen. The man they are most anxious to interview isthe Prime Minister. It is to him personally that theydesii-e to confide the wonderful schemes and speculationsof their distraught minds for making straight aU thecrooked twists in the social system. Happy, then, is the Prime Minister who has theprotection of so capable a private secretary as Mr. J. S.Sandars. Such were his tact, geniality, and good sensewhile acting in that cajjacity for Mr. Arthur Balfour,that the crazy old lady who says the Crowni hasrobbed her of £30,000,000, and the lunatic engineerwith a jjlan for uniting Ireland with England by abridge thrown acros

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