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Fail:Precession and seasons.svg

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English: Effects of precession on the seasons (using the Northern Hemisphere terms).
Sumber Karya sendiri
Pengarang Krishnavedala
SVG genesis
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SVG code

Source Code

  \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex',semithick,auto,remember picture]
  \node at (-7,0) (o1) {\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,>=latex',
  decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.85 with {\arrow[scale=3]{>} } }]
  	\draw [fill=cyan!30,opacity=.6,postaction={decorate}] (0,0) ellipse (2.5981 and 3);
	\draw (0,-3) -- (0,3) (-2.25,-1.5) -- (2.25,-1.5);
	\draw [fill=yellow] (0,-1.5) circle (.3);
	\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (-.5,-3) -- (.5,-3);
	\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (-.5,3) -- (.5,3);
	\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (-2.75,-1.5) -- (-1.75,-1.5);
	\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (1.75,-1.5) -- (2.75,-1.5);
	\draw [fill=blue] 
		(0,-3) circle (.2)
		(0,3) circle (.2)
		(-2.25,-1.5) circle (.2)
		(2.25,-1.5) circle (.2);
	\node [text centered] at (-1.2,.8) {Spring};
	\node [text centered] at (1.2,.8) {Winter};
	\node [text centered] at (-1,-2) {Summer};
	\node [text centered] at (1,-2) {Fall};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (0,3.8) {Spring Equinox};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (0,-3.8) {Fall Equinox};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (-3.5,-1.5) {Summer Solstice};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (3.5,-1.5) {Winter Solstice};
    \node [text centered,text width=16em] at (-7,-4.7) (t1) {\normalsize 5000 years ago and 15000 years from now};
    \node at (7,0) (o2) {\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,>=latex',
  decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.85 with {\arrow[scale=3]{>} } }]
  	\draw [fill=cyan!30,opacity=.6,postaction={decorate}] (0,0) ellipse (2.5981 and 3);
	\draw (0,-3) -- (0,3) (-2.25,-1.5) -- (2.25,-1.5);
	\draw [fill=yellow] (0,-1.5) circle (.3);
	\draw [<-,red,ultra thick] (-.5,-3) -- (.5,-3);
	\draw [<-,red,ultra thick] (-.5,3) -- (.5,3);
	\draw [<-,red,ultra thick] (-2.75,-1.5) -- (-1.75,-1.5);
	\draw [<-,red,ultra thick] (1.75,-1.5) -- (2.75,-1.5);
	\draw [fill=blue] 
		(0,-3) circle (.2)
		(0,3) circle (.2)
		(-2.25,-1.5) circle (.2)
		(2.25,-1.5) circle (.2);
	\node [text centered] at (-1.2,.8) {Fall};
	\node [text centered] at (1.2,.8) {Summer};
	\node [text centered] at (-1,-2) {Winter};
	\node [text centered] at (1,-2) {Spring};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (0,3.8) {Fall Equinox};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (0,-3.8) {Spring Equinox};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (-3.5,-1.5) {Winter Solstice};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (3.5,-1.5) {Summer Solstice};
  \node [text centered,text width=16em] at (7,-4.7) (t2) {\normalsize 5000 years from now};
  \node at (0,-4.5) (o3) {\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,>=latex',
  decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.85 with {\arrow[scale=3]{>} } }]
  	\draw [fill=cyan!30,opacity=.6,postaction={decorate}] (0,0) ellipse (2.5981 and 3);
	\draw (0,-3) -- (0,3) (-2.25,-1.5) -- (2.25,-1.5);
	\draw [fill=yellow] (0,-1.5) circle (.3);
	\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (0,-3.5) -- (0,-2.5);
	\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (0,2.5) -- (0,3.5);
	\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (-2.25,-2) -- (-2.25,-1);
	\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (2.25,-2) -- (2.25,-1);
	\draw [fill=blue] 
		(0,-3) circle (.2)
		(0,3) circle (.2)
		(-2.25,-1.5) circle (.2)
		(2.25,-1.5) circle (.2);
	\node [text centered] at (-1.2,.8) {Winter};
	\node [text centered] at (1.2,.8) {Fall};
	\node [text centered] at (-1,-2) {Spring};
	\node [text centered] at (1,-2) {Summer};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (0,3.8) {Winter Solstice};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (0,-3.8) {Summer Solstice};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (-3.5,-1.5) {Spring Equinox};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (3.5,-1.5) {Fall Equinox};
  \node [text centered,text width=16em] at (0,-9.2) (t3) {\normalsize Earth's orbit 10000 years from now};
  \node at (0,4.5) (o4) {\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,>=latex',rotate=-18,
  decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.85 with {\arrow[scale=3]{>} } }]
  	\draw [fill=cyan!30,opacity=.6,postaction={decorate}] (0,0) ellipse (2.5981 and 3);
	\draw (0,-3) -- (0,3) (-2.25,-1.5) -- (2.25,-1.5);
	\draw [fill=yellow] (0,-1.5) circle (.3);
	\draw [<-,red,ultra thick] (0,-3.5) -- (0,-2.5);
	\draw [<-,red,ultra thick] (0,2.5) -- (0,3.5);
	\draw [<-,red,ultra thick] (-2.25,-2) -- (-2.25,-1);
	\draw [<-,red,ultra thick] (2.25,-2) -- (2.25,-1);
	\draw [fill=blue] 
		(0,-3) circle (.2)
		(0,3) circle (.2)
		(-2.25,-1.5) circle (.2)
		(2.25,-1.5) circle (.2);
	\node [text centered] at (-1.2,.8) {Summer};
	\node [text centered] at (1.2,.8) {Spring};
	\node [text centered] at (-1,-2) {Fall};
	\node [text centered] at (1,-2) {Winter};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (0,3.8) {Summer Solstice};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (0,-3.8) {Winter Solstice};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (-3.5,-1.5) {Fall Equinox};
	\node [text centered, text width=5em] at (3.5,-1.5) {Spring Equinox};
  \node [text centered,text width=8em] at (-2.5,7) (t4) {\normalsize Earth's \\orbit today};
  \draw [->,ultra thick] (o1.north) .. controls ++(0,1.5) and ++(-1.5,0) .. (t4.west);
  \draw [->,ultra thick,red] (-7.9,7.5) -- (-8.9,7.5);
  \node [text centered,text width=11em] at (-8.4,6) {\normalsize Direction North Pole points\\(actually inclined only 23.5$^\circ$)};
  \draw [->,ultra thick] (o4.30) ++(-1,0) .. controls ++(1.5,0) and ++(0,1.5) .. (o2.north)
  	node [pos=.5,above right,text centered,text width=8em] {\normalsize Precession direction};
  \draw [->,ultra thick] (t2.south) .. controls ++(0,-1.5) and ++(1.5,0) .. (t3.north east)
  	node [pos=.5,right=2em,text centered,text width=8em] {\normalsize Indicated seasons are for northern hemisphere};
  \draw [->,ultra thick] (t3.west) ++(.8,0) .. controls ++(-1.5,0) and ++(0,-1.5) .. (t1.south);


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  • untuk berkongsi – untuk menyalin, mengedar dan memindah hasil kerja
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Di bawah syarat berikut:
  • pengiktirafan – Anda mesti memberi penghargaan yang berpatutan, bekalkan pautan ke lesen, dan tunjukkan jika perubahan telah dibuat. Anda boleh lakukannya dalam sebarang cara yang munasabah, tetapi bukan dalam sebarang cara yang mencadangkan pemberi lesen mengendors anda atau penggunaan anda.
  • perkongsian serupa – Jika anda mengubah, adun semula, atau menokok tambah bahan, anda mesti menyebarkan sumbangan anda di bawah lesen yang sama atau serasi dengan yang asal.


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8 Januari 2015

media type Inggeris


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semasa15:34, 19 April 2015Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 15:34, 19 April 2015787 × 639 (54 KB)Krishnavedalafrom the corrected source-code
15:29, 8 Januari 2015Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 15:29, 8 Januari 2015787 × 645 (69 KB)Krishnavedala{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Effects of precession on the seasons (using the Northern Hemisphere terms).}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Krishnavedala |Date =2015-01-08 |Permission = |other_vers...

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