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KeteranganNeptune et les pirates.jpg
Français : Bacchus métamorphose les pirates thyrrhéniens en dauphins. Mosaïque du musée national du Bardo à Tunis.
Italiano: Il corteggio di Bacco lotta contro creature marine. Mosaico pavimentale romano al Museo del Bardo a Tunisi. II secolo d.C.
English: North African Roman mosaic, dated 2nd century AD: Panther-Dionysus scatters the pirates, who are changed to dolphins, except for Acoetes, the helmsman. Located in the Bardo National Museum of Tunis, Tunisia.
Ini adalah gambar sentuh, ini bermakna bahawa ia telah didigitalkan dari versi asal. Modifikasi: Cadre et lumières. Versi asal boleh dilihat di sini: GiorcesBardo53.jpg. Modifications made by Habib.mhenni.
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This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2007-06-19T21:14:05Z Giorces 2272x1704 (2230851 Bytes) {{Information |Description=Mosaico romano, trionfo di Nettuno e Afrodite, II sec., Museo nazionale del Bardo,Tunisi. |Source=Selfmade |Date=07.06.2007 |Author=[[:it:Utente:Giorces|Giorces]] |Permission= |other_versions= }}
{{Information |Description=* {{fr|Neptune lutte contre des créatures marines et des pirates. Mosaïque du musée national du Barde à Tunis. * {{it|Il corteggio di Bacco lotta contro creature marine. Mosaico pavimentale romano al [[Museo del Bardo a
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