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Utagawa Hiroshige  (1797–1858)  wikidata:Q200798 q:it:Utagawa Hiroshige
Utagawa Hiroshige
Nama lain
歌川廣重, Utashige (歌重), Ichiyūsai Hiroshige I (一幽斎廣重), Andō Hiroshige (安藤広重), Birth name: Andō Tokutarō (安藤 徳太郎)
Keterangan Jepun ukiyo-e artist, painter dan drawer
Tarikh kelahiran/kematian 1797 Sunting ini di Wikidata 12 Oktober 1858 Sunting ini di Wikidata
Tempat kelahiran/kematian Edo Sunting ini di Wikidata Edo Sunting ini di Wikidata
Tempoh kerja circa 1812 - circa 1858
date QS:P,+1850-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,+1812-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1858-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Tempat kerja
Edo, today Tokyo, Tōkaidō (road) (1832), Kyoto (1832)
Kawalan kewibawaan
creator QS:P170,Q200798
, Japanese (1797 - 1858). Published by Uoya Eikichi
English: Suruga Street (Surugachō), from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei). Utagawa Hiroshige designed an ukiyo-e print with Mt. Fuji and Echigoya as landmarks. Echigoya is the former name of Mitsukoshi named after the former province of Echigo. The Mitsukoshi headquarters are located on the left side of the street.
日本語: する賀てふ。名所江戸百景 駿河町(歌川広重)越後屋の暖簾を見ることができる。 三越絵葉書明治大正時代
Tarikh 1856 (Ansei 3), 9th month
Sumber/Jurugambar 1. [1] 2. Harvard Art Museum [2]
Versi lain
Remastered color


This is a faithful photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional, public domain work of art. The work of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason:
Public domain

Karya ini berada dalam domain awam di negara-negara dengan tempoh hak cipta hayat pencipta ditambah 100 tahun atau kurang.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1930.

Fail ini telah dikenal pasti sebagai bebas daripada sekatan-sekatan yang dikenali mengikut undang-undang hak cipta, termasuk semua hak berkaitan dan berjiran.
The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that "faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain".
This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States. In other jurisdictions, re-use of this content may be restricted; see Reuse of PD-Art photographs for details.


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Suruga street (Surugachō) by Hiroshige

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Mitsui Echigoya Inggeris

meisho-e Inggeris

nishiki-e Inggeris

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Tarikh/WaktuGambar kenitUkuranPenggunaKomen
semasa00:44, 10 September 2005Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 00:44, 10 September 20051,769 × 2,744 (1.5 MB)Petrusbarbygere{{Creator| |Name = Hiroshige, Ichiyusai |Alternative names = Hiroshige Uragawa, Hiroshige Utagawa |Birthdate = 1797 |Birthloc = <br /> *'''de:''' Tokio |Deathdate = 1858 |Deathloc = <br /> *'''de:''' Edo (Tokio) |Workperiod = |Workloc = <br /> *'''de:'''

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