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1st century Gandhara. British Museum. Personal photograph 2005.
Other information: Found/Acquired from Taxila, Stupa 32 (Asia, Pakistan, North West Frontier Province, Hazara (district), Taxila). Bird, probably a goose, carved in rock crystal. 1st century Buddhist reliquary. British Museum, Collection : « Bird, probably a goose, carved in rock crystal ». « The bird was found inside BM 1867.0427.1 and contained an inscription (lost). The globular hollow body is open at the top with a rim of rounded section except at the back where it may have been partly flattened in antiquity, perhaps for a lid; a thin hole in the centre of the junction of the tail with the body may have served to attach it. The head is joined to the body by a short neck, and the head has protruding eyes and a broad bill. At the sides projections of oval outline with a cross-hatched band forward and with horizontal grooves to the back (that is, coverts and flight feathers) represent wings, and the tail has regular straight grooves at right angles to the body. The underside is clumsily pierced with two small holes at each side, with local damage to the surface, perhaps to attach legs. » « The goose once contained a gold strip bearing an inscription, now lost (see Bibliographic field for details). The object itself is not inscribed. The text states that a relic of the Buddha was placed in the goose reliquary for the benefit of Sira's parents in a future existence. »: The British Museum. No mention of "Hamsa".
Source: Reliquary, The British Museum
But in that text : pp. 85-86
: Kharoshthi Inscriptions With The Exception Of Those Of Asoka : « (Gift) of Sira, depositing a gift of the Lord in the haṃsa of her mother, the haṃsa of her father. Might it become its place when a corporeal birth comes. »
Kebenaran diberikan untuk menyalin, mengedar dan/atau mengubah dokumen ini di bawah syarat-syarat Lesen Pendokumenan Bebas GNU, versi 1.2 atau mana-mana versi selepas ini, yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Perisian Bebas; tanpa Seksyen yang Tak Berubah, tanpa Teks Kulit Depan dan tanpa Teks Kulit Belakang. Salinan lesen ini boleh didapati dalam seksyen yang bertajuk Lesen Pendokumenan Bebas GNU". Free Documentation Licensetruetrue
untuk berkongsi – untuk menyalin, mengedar dan memindah hasil kerja
untuk mencampur semula – untuk menyesuaikan karya
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pengiktirafan – Anda mesti memberi penghargaan yang berpatutan, bekalkan pautan ke lesen, dan tunjukkan jika perubahan telah dibuat. Anda boleh lakukannya dalam sebarang cara yang munasabah, tetapi bukan dalam sebarang cara yang mencadangkan pemberi lesen mengendors anda atau penggunaan anda.
perkongsian serupa – Jika anda mengubah, adun semula, atau menokok tambah bahan, anda mesti menyebarkan sumbangan anda di bawah lesen yang sama atau serasi dengan yang asal.
Tag pelesenan ini dibubuh pada fail ini sebagai sebahagian kemas kini pelesenan GFDL BY-SA 3.0Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0truetrue
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