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Fail:Coat of arms of Ferwerderadeel.svg

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Keterangan Coat of arms of the Dutch municipality of Ferwerderadeel.
Sumber HRvA SVG is own work.
Pengarang unknown, svg by User:Arch


This image depicts a coat of arms of a (former) Dutch governmental jurisdiction, municipality, province, water board (Dutch: "Waterschap") or diocese. These coats of arms have been registered with the Hoge Raad van Adel [1], and are/were being used by the organisation to which the coat of arms was granted by Royal Decree (Dutch: Koninklijk Besluit). Every person is allowed to use the image of the arms, with some restrictions, see fragment below of the Ministerial Notice of 3 September 1979 (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken) (Dutch).

Fragment from the memo: The depiction of a municipal coat of arms is allowed: the municipality holds no rights of creation of the coat of arms. There is also no objection against the use of a municipal coat of arms al for localising objects that are traded or that are being advertised, just as long it is ensured that no impression of municipal involvement or responsibility is created.

In view of Dutch legislation the use of the arms or reproductions thereof is regarded as being in the public domain. Everybody is allowed to make a drawing of the arms (on paper or electronically) in his/her own style based on the Royal Decree and claim it to be the arms of the municipality and uses it within the restrictions shown above. But there is copyright on each individual representation of the arms. This copyright lies with the artist that made that specific drawing based on the Royal Decree, not by the municipality.

Deutsch | English | Nederlands | +/−

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100,219 bait

431 piksel

274 piksel

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Tarikh/WaktuGambar kenitUkuranPenggunaKomen
semasa16:24, 11 Julai 2015Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 16:24, 11 Julai 2015274 × 431 (98 KB)ArchHRvA
19:45, 16 Mei 2014Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 19:45, 16 Mei 2014679 × 974 (89 KB)Archmedusimprovements
12:50, 19 Mac 2012Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 12:50, 19 Mac 2012744 × 1,052 (289 KB)Archadded Frisian crown
06:51, 12 Mac 2012Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 06:51, 12 Mac 2012744 × 1,052 (192 KB)Archimproved
15:49, 27 April 2011Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 15:49, 27 April 2011744 × 1,052 (89 KB)Archcrown + outline
17:48, 24 Julai 2010Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 17:48, 24 Julai 2010744 × 1,052 (49 KB)Archwithout filters
17:47, 24 Julai 2010Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 17:47, 24 Julai 2010744 × 1,052 (49 KB)Archwithout filters
17:45, 24 Julai 2010Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 17:45, 24 Julai 2010744 × 1,052 (49 KB)Arch== Summary == {{Information |Description = Coat of arms of the Dutch municipality of Ferwerderadeel. |Source = SVG is own work. |Date = 2010 |Author = Original by User:Arch |Permission = {{PD-NL-gemeentewapen}} }} == Licensing == {{PD-self}} [[Categ

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