Dengeki Sentai Changeman | |
Genre | Tokusatsu Adiwira Fiksyen sains fantasi |
Pencipta | Toei Company |
Dibangunkan oleh | Hirohisa Soda |
Pengarah | Nagafumi Hori |
Dibintangi oleh | Haruki Hamada Kazuoki Takahashi Shiro Izumi Hiroko Nishimoto Mai Ooishi Jun Fujimaki Shohei Yamamoto Yoshinori Okamoto Kana Fujieda Fukumi Kuroda |
Pencerita suara latar | Nobuo Tanaka |
Penggubah | Tatsumi Yano |
Negara asal | Japan |
Bilangan episod | 55 |
Penerbitan | |
Penerbit | Moriyoshi Katō Takeyuki Suzuki Yasuhiro Tomita |
Tempoh siaran | 19 minutes |
Syarikat penerbitan | TV Asahi NT21 Toei Company Toei Advertising |
Penyiaran | |
Saluran asal | TV Asahi |
Siaran asal | 2 Februari 1985 | – 22 Februari 1986
Kronologi | |
Mengikuti | Choudenshi Bioman |
Diikuti oleh | Choushinsei Flashman |
Dengeki Sentai Changeman (電撃戦隊チェンジマン; Dengeki Sentai Chenjiman, Melayu: Skuad Kilat Changeman) ialah siri televisyen Jepun dan siri kesembilan Super Sentai. Ia disiarkan dari 2 Februari 1985 hingga 22 Februari 1986, berjalan selama 55 episod,[1] menjadikannya siri kedua terpanjang selepas Himitsu Sentai Goranger. Ia merupakan siri Super Sentai ketiga selepas J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai dan Battle Fever J di mana Yellow Rener tidak hadir, diikuti oleh Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger pada tahun 2013 dan Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger pada tahun 2019.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Selepas menakluki beratus-ratus planet, Star Clustere Gozma mengarahkan pandangannya ke Bumi. Untuk mempertahankannya, tentera Jepun membentuk Pasukan Pertahanan Bumi yang elit. Di bawah Komander Ibuki, pasukan itu memulakan latihan yang ketat.
Sementara itu, sebagai tindakan pertama mereka, Gozma memutuskan untuk menghapuskan mereka yang menimbulkan risiko terbesar untuk mengganggu pencerobohan mereka: tentera. Selepas seharian latihan yang kejam, rekrut Angkatan Pertahanan Bumi sudah muak dengan cara kejam Ibuki dan meninggalkan sesi latihan. Tidak lama selepas itu, mereka diserang oleh tentera Gozma. Lima pegawai yang masih hidup berkumpul bersama, dipukul dan keletihan tetapi enggan berundur daripada ancaman. Bumi bergetar, memperkasakan mereka dengan Angkatan Bumi, memberi mereka kuasa binatang mitologi dan menjadi Pengubah. Dengan kuasa mistik Angkatan Bumi dan teknologi ketenteraan, Changeman memulakan perang mereka melawan Gozma.
[sunting | sunting sumber]The Changeman are all former members of the various branches of Japanese military who were hand picked by the Earth Defense Force to combat Gozma. As the Changeman, they derive their powers from a mysterious energy called Earth Force (アースフォース, Āsu Fōsu), which gives its users the power to protect Earth from any threat to it.
Hiryuu Tsurugi/Change Dragon (剣 飛竜/チェンジドラゴン, Tsurugi Hiryū/Chenji Doragon): Hiryu was previously an officer from Kōchi Prefecture in the Japanese Air Force before becoming Change Dragon, colored red. Tsurugi is a passionate leader with a kind heart, often getting so focused on a task that he does not think of the possible danger he puts himself in to complete it. He is a sharpshooter and a skilled motorcycle driver. He was also his high school's best baseball player until an accident forced him to quit the game. As Change Dragon, Hiryu is a master of airborne attacks as well as close-range and long-range attacks, even adding some of his baseball skills into his techniques. Shou Hayate/Change Gryphon (疾風 翔/チェンジグリフォン, Hayate Shō/Chenji Gurifon): Sho was previously a Japanese Army Ranger from Aomori Prefecture before becoming Change Gryphon, colored black. He's a narcissistic womanizer, often combing his hair before entering battle, though it's an exterior for his kind personality. Yuuma Ozora/Change Pegasus (大空 勇馬/チェンジペガサス, Ōzora Yūma/Chenji Pegasasu): Yuma was previously a Branch Officer in the Japanese Army before becoming Change Pegasus, colored blue. He serves as the group's tech member with the ability to tap into superhuman strength. As the youngest, he tends not to respect authority much and often associates himself with the children that the Changemen help. Yuma also has a dream to open up a tonkatsu shop after getting enough money to start it up. Sayaka Nagisa/Change Mermaid (渚 さやか/チェンジマーメイド, Nagisa Sayaka/Chenji Māmeido): Sayaka was previously a task force officer in the Japanese Army before becoming Change Mermaid, colored white. She is the team's strategist, and sometimes focuses too much on the etiquette of her fellow Changemen. However, Sayaka has a loving and caring aspect of her seen in animals and her feelings for Hiryu. Mai Tsubasa/Change Phoenix (翼 麻衣/チェンジフェニックス, Tsubasa Mai/Chenji Fenikkusu): Mai was previously a spy for the Japanese Army before becoming Change Phoenix, colored pink. Like Hiryu, she is also skilled at motorcycle driving. Though appearing to be a tomboy who is rough around the edges, Mai is a caring figure and good friends with Sayaka despite their differences. Arsenal Edit Change Brace (チェンジブレス, Chenji Buresu): The transformation device of the Changemen. The transformation call is "Let's Change!" (レッツチェンジ!, Rettsu Chenji!), followed by the name of the team or the transforming member. It can also fire a Change Laser. Change Sword (チェンジソード, Chenji Sōdo): A sidearm with two modes: blaster and knight (sword and shield) Dragon-Zooka (ドラゴンズーカ, Doragon Zūka): The weapon of Change Dragon, which forms the body of the Power Bazooka. Gryphon-Zooka (グリフォンズーカ, Gurifon Zūka): The weapon of Change Gryphon, which forms the front barrel of the Power Bazooka. Pegasus-Zooka (ペガサスズーカ, Pegasasu Zūka): The weapon of Change Pegasus, which forms the lower-body cover of the Power Bazooka. Mermaid-Zooka (マーメイドズーカ, Māmeido Zūka): The weapon of Change Mermaid, which forms the targeting scope of the Power Bazooka. Phoenix-Zooka (フェニックスズーカ, Fenikkusu Zūka): The weapon of Change Phoenix, which forms the upper-body cover of the Power Bazooka. Power Bazooka (パワーバズーカ, Pawā Bazūka): The finishing cannon formed from the Zooka weapons of the Changemen. Hiryu supplies the shell, while Sayaka aims the weapon. On one occasion in Episode 7, it received a power-up. In Episode 36, the Changemen learned to infuse the Earth Force inside the shell to further enhance its power, in the final episode, it was used to fire a signal for Gyodai to enlarge the memory doll. Vehicles Edit Auto Changers (オートチェンジャー, Ōto Chenjā): Each Changeman rides one of these motorcycles. Change Cruiser (チェンジクルーザー, Chenji Kurūzā): The 4WD for the quintet Jet Skis (ジェットスキー, Jetto Sukī): This vehicle was used in one episode during their clash with Ahames' forces in Nagasaki. Shuttle Base (シャトルベース, Shatoru Bēsu): Modeled after the Space Shuttle, is the ship that transports the team's mecha to the danger zone, and is the first Terran-made carrier to travel into space. Mecha Edit Change Robo (チェンジロボ, Chenji Robo): The team's signature mecha. Hiryu yells "Earth Conversion Start!" to begin the mecha's conversion, and then "Fusion, Earth Conversion" (合体、アースコンバージョン!, Gattai, Āsu Konbājon) to combine them. It is armed with the Blitzkreig Sword (電撃剣, Dengeki Ken), which allows it to perform finishers like the Super Thunder Volt (スーパーサンダーボルト, Sūpā Sandāboruto), Windmill Cut (風車斬り, Fūsha Giri), and Swallow Return (燕返し, Tsubame Kaeshi). Its other weapons are the Change Shield (チェンジシールド, Chenji Shīrudo), which acts as the Lightning Sword's sheath, Change Robo Missile (チェンジロボミサイル, Chenji Robo Misairu), Change Vulcan (チェンジバルカン, Chenji Barukan) shoulder cannons, and Change Robo Flash (チェンジロボフラッシュ, Chenji Robo Furasshu), which is a beam that the Change Robo fires from its eyes. Jet Changer I (ジェットチェンジャー1, Jetto Chenjā Wan): The mecha of Change Dragon, which forms the head and lower body of the Change Robo. It is stored in the fuselage of the Shuttle Basee, with wings and rudders retracted. It appeared again in Gaoranger vs Super Sentai. Heli Changer II (ヘリチェンジャー2, Heri Chenjā Tsū): A helicopter piloted by Change Gryphon and Change Mermaid, it forms the torso and arms of the Change Robo. It is stored in back of the Shuttle Base, behind the Jet Changer I. Mai once took it for a joyride. Land Changer III (ランドチェンジャー3, Rando Chenjā Surī): A cruiser piloted by Change Pegasus and Change Phoenix, it forms the legs of the Change Robo. It is stored in halves in back of the Shuttle Base, with the Heli Changer II between the two halves. Allies Edit Commander Ibuki (伊吹長官, Ibuki-chōkan): The leader of the EDF who seems cruel at first but has a caring side too. He is eventually revealed to be Yui Ibuki of Planet Heath which was destroyed by Gozma. Soldiers (戦士団, Senshidan): A group of people from various military organization like the Changeman, who function as the team's support. They help out the Changeman in certain situations. Captain Inogoro: An EDF mechanic who works on the Auto Changers Aliens Edit The Changemen meet other aliens who end up on Earth because of Gozma:
Nana (ナナ, 13, 14, 32, 33, 42, 43 & 51-55): A young girl from the planet Rigel with superhuman abilities. She is used in tipping the scales for Gozma for when Rigelian girls reach an age they release a massive energy which would give power to whoever is caught in its path. Though aged by 20 years old thanks to Giluke's scheme to become stronger, Nana gains telepathic abilities along with heighten physical abilities. Sakura (さくら, 16 & 55): An alien from Planet Merle (メルル星, Meruru-sei) Volta (ボルタ, Boruta, 21) An alien from Planet Tora (トーラ星, Tōra-sei), also a Space Beast Warrior. Shinpei Mizuhara (水原 新平, Mizuhara Shinpei, 23): A boy who has the blood of Alien Posedonia (ポセドニア人, Posedonia-jin). Zoorii and Waraji (ゾーリーとワラジー, Zōrī to Warajī, 27, 47, 49, 51, 53 & 55): Gaata's wife and son. Their role in the plot grows towards the end of the series because Waraji is able to play in his ocarina a tune which induces homesickness on space creatures, and is eventually used against Gozma members themselves, causing them (even a reluctant Gaata) to target the boy, who angrily breaks the ocarina and storms off, declaring he has no father. Zoorii, in the meantime, becomes pregnant with her and Gaata's daughter, forcing him to abandon Gozma for good. Star Cluster Great Star League Gozma Edit The Great Star League Gozma (大星団ゴズマ, Daiseidan Gozuma, Star Cluster Gozma) is an interstellar criminal shogunate that devastates planets and uses the survivors as warriors to invade other planets. The group is based on the battleship Gozmard (ゴズマード, Gozumādo).
Star King Bazeu (星王バズー, Seiō Bazū): Bazeu is the leader of Gozma who only appears to his followers as a giant blue limbless torso, which is an illusion created by his true form: the living planet Gozma Star (ゴズマスター, Gozuma Sutā) who absorbs other worlds throughout its interstellar conquest of the universe. Though he spares some planets, Bazeu uses them as a means to intimidate his minions with their destruction as both a drafting method and to ensure no failure. He manages to approach Earth undetected by hiding himself into the tail of Halley's Comet, but is ultimately destroyed by the Changemen after they ride the Change Robo deep onto his body and destroy its core. General Giluke (ギルーク司令, Girūku Shirei, 1-54): Originally from Planet Girath (ギラス星, Girasu-sei), Girook is the invasion leader and secretly plots on overthrowing Bazeu, his first attempt ending in failure. He uses a sword made for the strongest warrior from his homeworld. After being killed, he comes back as Ghost Giluke (ゴーストギルーク, Gōsuto Girūku, 38-43) and then force grows Nana to be endowed with the backlash of her energies to become Super Giluke (スーパーギルーク, Sūpā Girūku, 43-54) before becoming the Space Beast Warrior Girath (ギラス, Girasu, 54) and is finally defeated by the Changemen. Adjutant Booba (副官ブーバ, Fukukan Būba, 1-52): Booba is a former space pirate who has been conscripted to be one of the lieutenants of Giluke. Armed with the Buldobas Sickle, Booba is the rival of Change Dragon. Eventually, learning of the brain washing he went through after seeing his former love, Booba helps free Sheema from the control of Gozma's control before dying in a duel against Change Dragon. Adjutant Sheema (副官シーマ, Fukukan Shīma): Sheema is the former princess of Planet Amanga (アマンガ星, Amanga-sei), whose people are able to fight with psychic powers called Amanga Energy (アマンガエネルギー, Amanga Enerugī). When her planet was conquered, she was taken in by a Space Beast Warrior named Wuba and raised on its milk, turning her into a cold warrior with a deep male voice and no memories of her past. Thanks to Booba, she manages to return to her former self and joins forces with the Changemen. Queen Ahames (女王アハメス, Joō Ahamesu, 17-53): Ahames is the former queen of Planet Amazo (アマゾ星, Amazo-sei) who joined with Giluke in his attempt to overthrow Bazeu. After the attempt failed, Ahames's whereabouts were unknown until she arrives to Earth. After Giluke is killed the first time, she takes over as the leader of Gozma's forces until his return. With all her minions defeated or defected, she was transformed into a Space Beast Warrior by Super Giluke, and used her newfound powers to pinpoint the secret base of the Changeman. Regaining her original form, but not her sanity, she destroys the base completely, killing herself in the process. Navigator Gator (航海士ゲーター, Kōkaishi Gētā): Gator the navigator of the Gozmard, originally from the Planet Navi (ナビ星, Nabi-sei). He reluctantly joins Gozma for the safety of his family, and also for the sake of his family, he eventually defects, siding with the Changemen though the rest of the series. Gyodai (ギョダーイ, Gyodāi): A one-eyed creature from the planet of the same name who is used by Gozma to enlarge its minions. Left alone into a derelict Gozmard, he is rescued by the Changemen and aids them in the final battle against Bazeu. Jangeran (ジャンゲラン, Jangeran): Jangeran is the familiar of Ahames. It is a twin-headed dragon whose left head fires a cone of ice while its right unleashes a torrent of flame. When Bazeu grows impatient with Ahames' lack of results against the Changemen, he splits Jangeran into two separate beings called Jan (ジャン, Jan, 50) and Geran (ゲラン, Geran, 50-51). Hidler Soldiers (ヒドラー兵, Hidorā Hei): Gozma's foot soldiers, these blue skinned aliens are feral creatures that use their talons as weapons. If wounded enough, a Hidler would bleed steam before evaporating within seconds.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- "Arrival! The Secret Power!" (出現!秘密の力!, Shutsugen! Himitsu no Chikara!)
- "The Wrath of Star King Bazoo" (星王バズーの怒り, Seiō Bazū no Ikari)
- "Scram! Soldier Group" (スクラム! 戦士団, Sukuramu! Senshi Dan)
- "A Kiss After the Fight" (キスは戦いの後で, Kisu wa Tatakai no Ato de)
- "Pegasus Arrest Order" (ペガサス逮捕指令, Pegasasu Taiho Shirei)
- "The Targeted High-School Girls" (狙われた女子高生, Nerawareta Joshikōsei)
- "The Sad Space Soldier" (悲しき宇宙戦士!, Kanashiki Uchū Senshi!)
- "The Lady is a Vampire" (お嬢さんは吸血鬼, Ojōsan wa Kyūketsuki)
- "Shine! The Deadly Miracle Ball" (輝け! 必殺の魔球, Kagayake! Hissatsu no Makyū)
- "The Dreadful Driverless-Car Army" (恐怖の無人車軍団, Kyōfu no Mujin-sha Gundan)
- "S.O.S. Koko and Kiki" (SOSココとキキ, Esu Ō Esu Koko to Kiki)
- "Mama is Mermaid" (ママはマーメイド, Mama wa Māmeido)
- "Papa Sells the Earth" (地球を売るパパ, Chikyū o Uru Papa)
- "Attack! The Huge Lizards" (攻撃!巨大トカゲ, Kōgeki! Kyodai Tokage)
- "Reckless Rider Mai" (暴走ライダー麻衣, Bōsō Raidā Mai)
- "The Girl Who Had Wings" (翼を持った少女!, Tsubasa o Motta Shōjo!)
- "Nagasaki's Mysterious Ghost Ship" (長崎の謎の幽霊船, Nagasaki no Nazo no Yūreisen)
- "Ahames' Challenge" (アハメスの挑戦!, Ahamesu no Chōsen!)
- "Bet on Sayaka!" (さやかに賭けろ!, Sayaka ni Kakero!)
- "Grand Counterattack! Giluke" (大逆襲!ギルーク, Dai Gyakushū! Girūku)
- "Gozma's Big Star" (ゴズマの大スター, Gozuma no Dai Sutā)
- "The Soldier Who Disappeared Into a Mirror" (鏡に消えた戦士, Kagami ni Kieta Senshi)
- "The Boy Who Rides Dolphins" (イルカに乗る少年, Iruka ni Noru Shōnen)
- "Runaway Gyodai" (ギョダーイの家出, Gyodāi no Iede)
- "Sing With a Great Voice" (歌え!大きな声で, Utae! Ōki na Koe de)
- "Mai's 20-Year-Old First Love" (麻衣20歳の初恋, Mai Hatachi no Hatsukoi)
- "Gator's Dream of Parent and Child" (ゲーター親子の夢, Gētā Oyako no Yume)
- "The Cursed Crayon" (呪われたクレヨン, Norowareta Kureyon)
- "Protect the Flower! Phantom Butterfly" (花を守れ!幻の蝶, Hana o Mamore! Maboroshi no Chō)
- "Run, Pegasus!" (走れ!ペガサス!, Hashire! Pegasasu!)
- "Reveal It! The Mystery of Bazoo" (暴け!バズーの謎, Abake! Bazū no Nazo)
- "Nana: Dangerous Reunion" (ナナ!危険な再会, Nana! Kiken na Saikai)
- "The End of Girook?" (ギルークの最期!?, Girūku no Saigo!?)
- "Ahames the Terrible" (恐ろしきアハメス, Osoroshiki Ahamesu)
- "Earth, Help Us!" (地球よ!助けて!, Chikyū yo! Tasukete!)
- "Behold Our Power!" (見たか!俺達の力, Mita ka! Oretachi no Chikara)
- "Missing Dragon" (消えたドラゴン!, Kieta Doragon!)
- "Ghost Baseball" (幽霊ベースボール, Yūrei Bēsubōru)
- "Dreadful Hide-and-Seek" (恐怖のかくれんぼ, Kyōfu no Kakurenbo)
- "Strange Candy" (おかしなお菓子, Okashi na Okashi)
- "The Missing Prince of the Stars" (消えた星の王子!, Kieta Hoshi no Ōji!)
- "Sailor-Suited Nana" (セーラー服のナナ, Sērāfuku no Nana)
- "Super Giluke" (スーパーギルーク, Sūpā Girūku)
- "Leave it to Mai!" (麻衣におまかせ!, Mai ni O-makase!)
- "The Rainbow-Colored Girl Ira" (虹色の少女アイラ, Nijiiro no Shōjo Aira)
- "Beautiful Sheema" (美しきシーマ!, Utsukushiki Shīma)
- "Gaata's Tears of Parent and Child" (ゲーター親子の涙, Gētā Oyako no Namida)
- "Pirate Booba's Storm of Love" (海賊ブーバ愛の嵐, Kaizoku Būba Ai no Arashi)
- "The Sad Sheema Beast Soldier" (哀しきシーマ獣士, Kanashiki Shīma Jūshi)
- "The Day Gozma Trembled" (ゴズマが震えた日, Gozuma ga Furueta Hi)
- "Nana, Tell Him!" (ナナよ!伝えて!, Nana yo! Tsutaete!)
- "Booba Dies on Earth" (ブーバ地球に死す, Būba Chikyū ni Shisu)
- "Fiery Ahames" (炎のアハメス!, Honō no Ahamesu!)
- "Girook Grand Explosion" (ギルーク大爆発!, Girūku Dai Bakuhatsu!)
- "Farewell, Space Friends" (さらば宇宙の友よ, Saraba Uchū no Tomo yo)